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Comm 1100 - Pergrem
Speech 1 – Informative Speech Assignment & Examples
Hybrid-Online & Online COMM 1100 Spring 2012
Assignment Basics
Speech: Present an extemporaneous informative speech to the class on a topic of your choosing in the format described.
Time limits: 3-5 minutes
Outline: “Write” your speech in the form of a detailed outline as discussed. Avoid using complete sentences; use bullet points. Do NOT write out your speech like an English paper.
Notes: The outline you create will serve as your speech notes (you may bring these to the front of the room with you). You will need an extra copy for yourself.
Visual Aid: A professional, college-level visual aid is required with your presentation.
Bibliography/Copies of …show more content…

Visit the Georgia Highlands Library site for more information/examples of how to cite sources correctly.
3) A Copy (printout or photo copy) of at least the first page of all research source materials used, including copies of webpages, magazine articles, portions of books, etc.
4) A blank copy of the speech evaluation form from the course webpage, name and topic filled in.


All of these items must be together, evaluation sheet on the very top, with your name on them. If I do not receive all of these items stapled together with your name at them I will NOT li sten to your speech and those points will be lost. I know it sounds picky but please do not paperclip these items or put them in folders, please staple them beforehand. I will not have a stapler with me so you will need to staple them at home or bring your own stapler with you. Again, you may not present your speech without your speech packet.
What are the research guidelines for this assignment?
- Assignment must contain at least 3 credible and (if possible) scholarly research sources in addition to your own expertise (your own personal knowledge does NOT count as one of the 3 sources).
- Wikipedia is not an appropriate source, though it can certainly be a starting point for gathering information. Neither is nor any of those types of websites.
Remember, any time you cite

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