
Ebola Cartoon

Decent Essays

Topic: The key issue this comic is addressing, is how people in society are easily frighten by the media by believing what they hear on television rather than looking at all the facts.
Story: In this comic, it shows a middle age American male who is frighten by the recent Ebola epidemic. The middle age American male has fast food and alcohol in his hands along with a cigarette in his mouth. The comic clearly stats statics of death related cause’s to the items the American male is consuming.
Audience: This comic is directed to the United States. This Comic was produced in 2014/10/09 by The Sacramento Bee, which is a daily newspaper in Sacramento, California. This cartoon was also found on This is a liberal cartoon. This cartoon speaks to the audiences by showing that Americans are heavily influenced about issues the media blows out of proportion and not concerned about the major issues of over consumption of unhealthy living styles that plays a major factor in many deaths in America.
Author: I …show more content…

The middle age American male is holding fast food and alcohol in his hands along with a cigarette in his mouth. The cartoon clearly stats statics of death related cause’s to the items the American male is consuming. This Cartoon is directed to the Average American because it shows how American people treat themselves with unhealthy living styles. The cartoon male was white but I believe race or ethnicity plays no factor in this cartoon, it is directed to the average American. The male cartoon is a made up character but is representing the average American. The choices of the rhetorical strategies designed to tailor the cartoon and its argument to its intended audience by showing that American’s are easily frightened by what the media reports and need to look at all the facts before letting the media control how you

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