
Ebola Research Paper

Decent Essays

I think that Ebola is one of the worst diseases of all time. Ebola is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. That is why I think Ebola is one of the absolute worst diseases of all time. Ebola was first identified in 1976. It first appeared in central Africa. Ebola then died off then it somehow returned in 1989 in the town of Yambuku. Since then there has been separate occurrences of Ebola min many other places. Humans and guinea pigs and humans were first vaccine. The guinea pigs were injected with Ebola, and then were vaccinated to see if the vaccine worked. Not surprising the guinea pigs were first thing tested on. The people that were first vaccinated were as followed, Nancy Sullivan, Anthony Sanchez, Pierre E. Rollin, Zhi-Yong …show more content…

Ebola is almost both bacterial and viral, but it is mostly a viral disease. In the early two thousands a group of security let a young nurse infected with Ebola on a plane to America which led to America with Ebola on our hands. The nurse and the people that she infected were put in complete isolation in a Texas motel. The motel had plastic wrapped around it so that the disease could not get out and harm people. The infected people were isolated in the area for twenty one days before they were let go, turns out that only 2 were infected. There are many ways that Ebola can spread, including blood, saliva, and all other bodily fluids. There were not as many drugs or treatments for the Ebola virus when it first arrived. The very few ways to try to control it are, an IV, making sure that blood pressure stays normal, and treat all other infections with antibiotics, aspirin, Tylenol, and prescriptions. Also a few fun facts about Ebola that I think people should know. Ebola is formally known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever. Ebola is not airborne, or water borne, it is transmitted. Ebola is treated by keeping bodily fluids maintained and under

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