
Eco Map

Decent Essays

Luis Perez Eco Map
Francesca Crouch
Kaplan University Online

Luis Perez and his family immigrated to the United States from Argentina. In Argentina they were very successful, but thought that America could open up more possibilities for the family. The thought of better education for his children and better chances for his business of growing grapes to sell to vineyards is the main reason why Luis and his family immigrated to America. Luis and his wife Maria whom he has known most of all his life have eight kids; Rolando, Lupe, Anna, Roselina, Gracelia, Yesenia, Garielle, and Maritza. Rolando is the eldest at nineteen years and Maritza being the youngest at three years. Luis’s father and mother, Ramon and Carmen also reside with …show more content…

Rolando wants to go to school. I would talk to Luis about Rolando going to college so he can learn more about the family business, and be able to take over it. There are many stereotypes that can be put on the family. For one they immigrated over to the United States, so one of the stereotypes would be that they don’t speak English. Both Luis and Maria can speak English and so can the kids. As

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