
Ecological Approach To Childhood Obesity

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Shared activity, I have acknowledged, the health system alone is not responsible and should not be taking the entire burden to correct the consequences of childhood obesity (Woolf & Braveman, 2011). I perceived the multifactorial ecological approach is necessary to help with solving childhood obesity health risks. Additionally, the social determinants of childhood obesity will require participation and involvement at all levels. However, looking at ethical issues is important in the implementation of any intervention (Amin et al., 2012). Social determinants of health operate at different ecological levels: interpersonal, intrapersonal, institutional, public and community policy (McLeroy, 1988). This model can be used in future, to design, …show more content…

I trust, rather being intimidated or threatened by theory, I perused, the foundations of theories in my own particular conviction frameworks. I concluded, instead of portraying theories as conceptual, unrealistic and impractical (Van 1992) we can apply theories as a practical tool. Moreover, applying theories in future for project development process as a guide, the procedure of interfacing past experience and a vast assortment of learning to current exercises and hugely fulfilling knowledge (Van …show more content…

Such collaboration can be achieved through the linking of community services and the healthcare system which I trust is the primary aim of the unit.
Unit 6
I have perceived health promotion and disease prevention may be similar, but the strategies used to improve or implement may need to be approached in different ways depending on individual beliefs and values around the meaning of health Tengland, (2010). I trust, in order to improve or change health interventions, as a health care provider, I need to assess and learn more about the community I am trying to change or improve. I realized the importance of educating people about their health so they know how to take care of themselves (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2014).
I have learned in the Module, due to certain social determinants, there are observable disease patterns depending upon geography and population. Additionally, the importance of public health and understanding the various factors that may contribute to health and disease are clearer to me.
This module hugely fulfilled the knowledge and it has helped me to expand my views about both, local and global public health and public health

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