
Education Standards: Common Core

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Lately, there has been much argument over the implementation of the Common Core. The Common Core was a creation of the government to enhance America’s education system through the modification of the current education standards. It forces students to think more critically and have a deeper understanding of the material that they are learning. The Common Core should not be instigated because it compels teachers and students to change their learning and teaching methods which could have a major influence on their education. There are countless pros and cons to the Common Core. The following paragraphs will outline both sides. The Common Core allows students to be enhanced thinkers by sanctioning them to critically evaluate and make conclusions rather than memorizing the meaning of literary terms and characters (Cameron, A19). This enhances students’ skills and permits them to participate in a more active learning role. The Common Core demands more from students, in which students have to live up to those standards. With the Common Core, teachers have to “ensure that every child is thinking, participating, inquiring, and working with others … and discovering” (Cameron, A19). Under the Common Core, students nationwide will gain the same knowledge and skills as others required for future jobs. In order for the Common Core to unify the standards, the requirement for standardized testing nationwide is absolutely necessary (Meador, Pros and Cons). Thus, allowing states to compare

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