
Effective Reduction Of Crime And Quality Of Life Abatement

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COMPSTAT was created by the New York Police Department in 1994 and is known having a significant impact on the reduction of major crimes in New York City. COMPSTAT is globally acknowledged and has become a successful tool for integrating precise crime intelligence analysis methods and streamlining law enforcement management processes. COMPSTAT can be described as a series of process used for the collection and analysis of criminal intelligence data which in turn assists commanders in developing effective strategies and tactics to combat crime.

The effective reduction of crime and quality of life abatement is of prime importance in the COMPSTAT model is and is one of the four core principles in the COMPSTAT paradigm. This essay will examine the impact that the implementation of COMPSTAT has had. In doing so it will determine what changes in strategy, structure and operations have taken place as a result of the implementation process.

The COMPSTAT process and Data-Driven Problem Identification and Assessment
COMPSTAT is regularly described as a management accountability process that is a multi-layered and dynamic approach to crime reduction, personnel and resource management. The COMPSTAT process of Data-Driven Problem Identification and Assessment, (now referred to as DDPIA), utilizes geographical Information Systems (geo-coding), and advanced software to mine, track and analyze data concerning criminal activity, such as Part I and Part II UCR crimes. The process can

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