
Effectiveness and Embodiment of Electro-Tactile Feedback System

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This tele-operation system has vision feedback consist of stereo camera from OVR and Oculus rift head-mounted device which is worn by the operator. OVR camera is compatible with this head-mounted device. This device can create a 3D stereoscopic vision with 1000 field of view as shown in figure 9.
With these compositions, operator will have a better vision with stereovision than others vision systems. Moreover, this vision feedback makes operator enable see the object as vivid as using the operator eyes and makes the operator immersive with the robot. Figure 10 shows us a camera display on the computer screen.
This section addresses to demonstrate the effectiveness and embodiment of electro-tactile feedback system in tele-operation a robot. The tele-operation experiment is conducted with a mobile robot equipped with the sensors as described in the previous section. The aim of the experiment is to drive the mobile robot to displace can and avoiding obstacles in a cluttered workspace.
In these experiments, operator is equipped with a data glove to control the mobile robot while monitoring the movement of the robot from the head mounted display, also the operator get robot environment information from the intensity TENS electrodes stimulus in his skin. The measurement sensor reading affected to the intensity of TENS electrodes. To indicate that an object has been detected close to the corresponding sensors, operator will feel a high stimulus from a specific electrode, linked

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