
Effects Of Decoloonization In Nigeria

Decent Essays

Did Decolonization after 1945 create more problems than it solved?
Frantz Fanon said; ‘Imperialism leaves behind germs of rot which we must clinically detect and remove from our land and from our minds as well’ (1952)

The purpose of this paper is to determine whether decolonization created more problems than it solved. This paper describes the decolonization of Nigeria, where decolonization left an everlasting legacy of problems rather than solving them.
Colonization was based solely on power, greed and wealth and colonized countries such as the countries in Africa had no control of their power, therefore power was out of their term. Decolonization as a whole is many things other than the dismantlement of colonies, it is the decolonization of the boundaries in which the country lies, the crumbling of political structures and ideologies, ethnic beliefs halved and it is also the “decolonization” of one’s mind (McLeod, 2000).

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The divide between the North and South of Nigeria and different ethnic groups who ultimately had the same goal in sight, to rise to power, resulted in a civil war in July 1967, 7 years after Nigeria gained independence from the United Kingdom. There were many reasons for the civil war and the main reasons being the response to the divide of the southern state Biafra from Nigeria. Also, the conflict came from religious, ethnic and political tensions. Furthermore, before the civil war, ‘Nigeria empowered a military regime that endured from 1966 to 1979 and from 1983 to 1999, in order to “protect” its citizens’ civil liberties and boundaries’ (Nnamani, 2004). One could make the claim that as a result of decolonization, they now felt unsafe. One could undoubtedly agree that the role of decolonization in Nigeria caused many more problems than it

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