
Effects Of Gun Control Laws

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Can new gun control laws reduce the gun-related deaths?

The passed mass shooting in Las Vegas was a bitter pill for the American society and the world to swallow. With 59 killed people and more than 500 people injured, Las Vegas massacre became the deadliest mass shooting in the modern history of the United States (Held). Generally, mass shooting has been defined as any incident in which four or more people are shot, whether injured or killed (Borchers). Not only this incident but others significant ones that took place in the recent years have caused concerns about whether the existing regulatory gun laws still work. Gun control is the series of policies and laws that coordinate the use, modification, possession, sale and manufacture of firearms by civilians (Columbia University and Lagasse) . Current gun laws allow American citizens to get firearms very easily. For the most part, this legislation has been pointed out by society as the main reason for these deathly incidents to occur. The accessible acquisitions of fire arms in the United States and its repercussions have begun to lead a moment toward new gun laws. Despite being in the top ranked countries by GDP, the United States has the highest firearm death rate among these countries (Marczak et al. 2347). The reasonable strategy to fix this issue is the implementation of new gun laws capable of reducing gun homicide rates. How cannot restricting the use of a killing tool reduce killing? On December 14, 2012, a

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