
Effects Of Stretching Mediated Tension On Ventricular Contraction Of Toad Heart

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Heart contraction is produced by stretching of sarcomere units, which produces strokes between myosin head and actin monomers located in the thin filament of sarcomere (Robinson, Dong et al. 2004). Changes in the resting tension of heart muscle affect the range of heart contraction. The heart has the capacity to adjust its contraction force as result of variations in ventricular filling (end-diastole), this effect is known as the Frank–Starling Law (Sequeira and van der Velden 2015). An increased systolic contraction is the results of the ventricle stretching due to greater end-diastolic volume happens (Schneider, Shimayoshi et al. 2006). However, …show more content…

Three ECG leads were attached in the toad body. A thin wire attached to the alligator clip of the positive lead was inserted through the muscle wall of the ventricle, far enough to avoid touching the bend pin. The negative lead was attached to right collar bone. Finally, the earth lead as attached to right hind-limb.
Data was recording using the LabChart software. Tension was increased on the heart with the micro positioner until the signal was strong enough to be read. Data for “Control”, also known as “baseline data” was collected before increasing tension on the heart. In this case, tension of baseline was set at 30 mm. Data was recorded during 2 minutes. After control data was recorded, tension on heart was increased by 5 mm and data was collected during 2 minutes until 45 mm was reached. A total of 3 replicates were recorder for each condition.
After data was recorder, amplitude of contraction force was calculated for each condition and its average was calculated. Averages calculated from LabChart was used in Graph prism software to analyze and compare each condition. Finally, statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons. P-value threshold stablished was 0.05.

As shown in Figure 1, comparison between control group (13.09 ± 2.769 mN) and condition at 35 mm (mean=14.58 mN and SEM=±1.757 mN) showed no difference (p-value=0.9603). Comparison between control group and condition with

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