
Effects of Conflict

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Effects of Conflict on Employee and Organizational Performance
MeLissa Wilson
Organizational Behavior, Instructor Sherri Petro

Effects of Conflict on Employee and Organizational Performance
1.1 Introduction 1.2 Causes of conflict 1. Personality clashes 2. Lack of leadership 3. Work environment factors 1.3 Types of conflict 1. Interpersonal Conflict 2. Task conflict 3. Procedure Conflict a. Vertical Conflict 1.4 Reason of Conflict 1. Interpersonal relationships 2. Structural changes within the organization 1 Controlling and Managing Conflict 1. 6 step process
2.2 Methods to Resolve Conflict 1. Compromising 2. Mediation

3.1 Effects of Conflict

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However, conflicts are rarely resolved easily, to a certain extend most conflicts are managed, as individuals work out difference (Barker, 1987). 1.2 Causes of Conflict
With any organization, there are many causes of conflict; however, the conflict with an
Individual usually arises when an individual is unclear about what they are expected to do, this happens when the manager or supervisor in charged has not clearly defined their expectations to the employee (Henry, 2009). A survey conducted by Psychometrics Canada, surveyed 357 HR professional’s employees about what they see as the main causes of conflict, employees often report that personality, leadership, communication and the work environment play considerable roles. Personality clashes and warring egos, scored the highest percent of 86 % of the majority of respondents indicated being a frequent conflict. Lack of leadership is the second most commonly mentioned cause rating at 73 %. Poor leadership from the top of the organization plays a significant part in generating conflict at work. Issues related to communication and work environment followed closely with a score of 67% reporting lack of honesty and openness as their cause of conflict, and 64% indicate that work is stress is their main

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