
Effects of Domestic Violence on Children

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Effects of Domestic Violence on Children

Mary Pelham

English 1010-19
5 October 2011

Pelham i
I. Effects on younger children A. Feelings of deprivation 1. Needs attention 2. Needs personal care B. Confusion
II. Effects on teens A. Feels need to escape B. Vulnerable to peer pressure
III. Long-term Effects A. Alcoholism B. Drug Addiction …show more content…

Alcohol addiction is not a sudden outcome of domestic violence. Children are slowly and gradually detached from their families and begin to seek the love and support they need from strangers. Children who face domestic violence crave attention and may become “people pleasers”. They strive to fit in. Submissive behavior is witnessed in children who face domestic violence (Goodman and Rosenberg), thus, opening the door for abusive relationships and; possible drug addiction. Domestic abuse also makes children overly dependent on others. Because they have never been in control of their life, they find it hard to make decisions independently. I know all these things to be true because I am a victim of childhood domestic violence. I grew up in a home where everyone was psychologically, emotionally and physically abused. I spent many years thinking, if only I could be a better child, things would be better. Of course, this was not the solution. I eventually looked to outsiders for the support I did not get at home. This led me to hanging out with much older people, which subjected me to drinking alcohol and experimenting with drugs. At the age of 19, I tried heroin, within six months I was injecting it into my veins, beginning a journey that I was sure would kill me. I spent many years wrestling with my demons and asking “why me”. I wasted a lot of time

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