
Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality

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Introduction It is always common that air that we breather within various indoor environments have different particles and gaseous contaminants. Upon these contaminants affecting human health and performance they change to be known as indoor pollutants, for example school setting commonly experience this environment. Health and performance in school is also affected by indoor temperature and relative humidity on influence of the airborne level of molds as well as bacteria. Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality There are various evidences from school showing different environmental conditions that tend to be closely associated with incidences of objectively measurable adverse health effects and it is rapidly escalating. The problem of indoor air quality may cause increased absenteeism due to adverse reactions to chemicals used in schools, allergic reactions from biological contaminants, or respiratory infections. These encountered pollution factors, which are mostly consistently associated with respiratory health effects, are always: presence of water damage, microbiological and moisture pollutants. They can also be combustion products such as nitrogen dioxide, animal and other biological allergens, low ventilation rates, chemicals among others. As a result of poor indoor air quality, the overall performance of children go down as they regularly fall sick or absenting themselves from school, (Department of Health, 2011). When associated health effect increase to build up,

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