
Egyptian Pharaoh Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The pharaoh has many duties and responsibities for the inspiration and direction of internal and foreign affairs, it was his officials who carried out pharaonic policy and ensured it success. Officials played a prominent role in the governing of Egypt’s empire.
It was important for civil officials to administer both internal and external policy. Viziers were the most significant official as they were the king’s deputy. The vizier was the incharge of civil administration which was conducted at both Thebes and Memphis. The vizier helped govern the empire, since they were incharge of the courts, treasury, military, public work, temple workshops, granaries and fellow officials. A significant vizier that helped govern the empire was Rekhmire and who serve Thutmose III and Amenhotep II, as well as Ineni who serves Thutmose I, Thutmose II and Hatshepsut. Nomarchs were provincial landowners and landlords which dealt with administrative provincial. They were in charge of the judiciary, local military, census , local irrigation and tax collection. An example of a nomarch id Paheri of Nekheb. Nobels were members of the official class and …show more content…

The Viceroy of Kush governed Nubia and ensured success for the Egyptian empire. This official governed all of Nubia , which was divided into two regions called Wawat and Kush. The Viceroy of Kush controlled the forts in Nubia, the military, collection of taxes and building of temple towns to display Egypt’s empire. The viceroy was in charge of administrating justice in Nubia and controlled and protected all territory from El Kab in upper Egypt. Usersatet was a significant Viceroy under the command of the pharaoh Amenhotep II. Therefore, the viceroy of Kush is an important official because he would have been in charge of the entire country on the behalf of

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