
Why Is So Important In Ancient Egypt

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Egypt was a complex civilization in many ways. It was important because of the civilization indicators.
There is a lot in government how they rule, they did every thing.
I will be talking about the pharos and other people that worked in the government, and what they did. The government will watch the slaves. The government will watch the slaves and they will watch them to make sure that they are doing what they are sent to do. If there are not, for example a record keeping person is not doing it, they will tell them to finish. The military and the pharos will defend the people. The military will stay with the Pharaohs because there will always be prepared in case if a war starts they will be ready. Also the pharos wants peace and they want to defend their country. Another thing is the phasors can go through war to get more power. Last The pharos want to be protected from their enemies. Last what the Egyptians work and why. Most of the Egyptian worked in the field, along the banks of Nile river …show more content…

The part of social classes I will talk about slavery. First The slavery's and what they do. There are three social classes. The three social classes are soldiers, Husband's, And Priests. All of them do many things, but all of them have a specific thing to do. Also each slave can be at a higher level or in a lower level. The first slavery, I will talk about is the soldiers. The soldiers are part of the government. They will fight incase if a war starts. Another Kind of slave is the husband. They will do whatever they are sent to do, For example They will do scribes, keep records and other stuff to.The husbands will start slavery when they are young, but the slaves were afraid to complain about what they are doing at the time they were getting slaved. The last kind of slave I will talk about Priests. The Priests do things for the government as told. Also they go and help worship their god and they will work for the

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