
Ekg Vs Ecg

Decent Essays

Your heart does more in one minute than some people do in years. Hundreds of thousands of signals are sent throughout the heart in the forms of electrical impulses, which tell the heart when to expand and contract at the correct times. These actions are recorded on an EKG or ECG, which helps doctors determine whether or not something is wrong with your heart.
There are multiple parts of the heart that plays a role in the electrical conduction of the heart. First off is the SA node which is commonly known as the pacemaker of the heart - this can be found in the right atrium inferior to the superior vena cava. This node sends electrical impulses (to both atria) to tell the heart to expand and contract. On the opposite side of the right atrium is located the AV node which makes sure all the blood is in the ventricle before they …show more content…

You use it by placing skin electrodes on the body in specific places. There are multiple letters shown in the animation - P, QRS, T, and U. The letter “P” represents the depolarization of the atria. Next, the QRS complex shows the depolarization of the ventricles. The QRS complex wave is much bigger than the “P” wave because the atria is much smaller than the ventricles. After, the “T” shows the REpolarization of the ventricles. The “U” wave does not appear very much, but shows often when something is wrong with the heart - some also can believe it is the repolarization of the purkinje fibers.
Conclusively, the SA node controls heart rate, and also sends signals through the heart, to the AV node, down to the AV bundle and up on the purkinje fibers which spread the signal through the ventricles. The EKG scan is used to show the heart rate, and how the heart is functioning at that moment. There are multiple letters involved in this - P, QRS, T, and sometimes

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