

Better Essays

April 14, 2005

➢ Why the interest in theory? 1. The no. 1 requisite if we have to be on the level of being a professional. 2. To guide us in how to go about the different nursing actions. 3. It becomes a framework for organizing data.

Theory – speculative in nature
Nursing Theory – mental conceptualization where the perspective is a nursing aspect - explain & describe a particular nursing action - can also predict its effects on clients’ outcome - primary purpose is to generate scientific knowledge - serve several essential purposes

1. Description – clarifying ideas, phenomena, experience or circumstances that are not well understood. E.g. meaning of pain to …show more content…

Organismic Behavior a.2. Man as a System a.3. The energy-matter exchange of man

III. The Atomistic Approach Man is viewed as an organism composed of different organ systems & each system is composed of organs & each organ is made up of tissue cells. The cell is the basic unit of the human body.

IV. Holistic Approach (Total) The study of the total behavior of man in relation to society. Stimuli in the environment provide the necessary forces to enable man to demonstrate consciously or unconsciously the nature of his responses & the subsequent quality & relationship with his environment. Address questions like – How does he cope with stresses? What makes one fail or succeed?

V. Human Needs Model Maslow’s framework of basic needs is based on the theory that something is a basic need if its absence results in illness, its presence prevents illness or signals health, & meeting an unmet need restores health

VI. Man as a Rational Being – The Psychosocial Perspective Man, the psychosocial being is capable of rational, logical thinking most of the time but can become irrational & illogical when provoked. His rational side makes him merciful, kind & compassionate, while his irrational nature may make him commit criminal acts against another man. According to Travelbee, Man is “a unique, irreplaceable (cannot be exchanged for

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