
Elaboration Likelihood Model

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When designing a persuasion campaign, multiple factors need to be considered. The Elaboration Likelihood Model, can support the designing of a persuasive campaign. The model concludes, individuals will be persuaded differently, based on their age, intelligence and self-efficacy. It is crucial to determine your audience, knowing your audience will enable understanding of already-established self-efficacy levels of students. Proceeding to determining the self-efficacy level of the audience. The higher the general level of self-efficacy is within the students, the more easily student will be to persuaded to reduce alcohol consumption. This can be problematic when working with large numbers of students, due to people being on different levels …show more content…

Self persuasion theory, Chaiken (1995) identified individuals superficially rely on a heuristic cues including believing arguments involving statistical figures/facts to be more true. Therefore, incorporating relevant statistics of binge drinking can be persuasive. However, the theory of Planned Behaviour Ajzen, demonstrates that persuasion campaigns which only provide negative information (side effects of binge drinking) are not effective. Due to increasing knowledge alone is not effective in changing attitudes towards binge drinking. Whereas, campaigns in which include perceived norms, control and attitudes are more persuasive. Thereby, relevant statistics will persuade students to consider the negative impact of binge drinking, although, other information including control and perceived norms will enhance persuasiveness. An example of this within a persuasive campaign includes; Drinkaware campaigns studying drinking culture among young adults, states: "Many say they feel like they have to be drunk to have a good time. Our research shows that six in ten people aged 18-24 say they drink with the intention of getting drunk at least occasionally”. Thereby, highlighting perceived norms in relation to drinking. Drinkaware also concludes the negative impact upon health through statistics; “Regularly drinking more than two standard drinks increases your risk of alcohol caused disease including …show more content…

The elaboration likelihood model states that persuasion can be take two different routes, central or peripheral. The central route requires a person to think critically about the argument proposed, considering both its strengths and weaknesses, then to elaborate on relevant themes. Whereas, the peripheral route does refer to the attempts at persuasion, in which the change in attitude is a result associated with positive stimuli- popularity, an attractive model or a millionaire, which could be relevant to substance of the argument. Selling products by associating them with attractive models or either by promoting that the product will result in social benefits. This is the result of peripheral attitude change techniques. Chaiken’s (1995) study is closely linked to Petty and Capioppo (1986) distinction of the central and peripheral route of processing. Whereas, Chaiken (1995) identified that people systematically consider all aspects of a message given, or people can superficially rely on a heuristic such as thinking that either longer arguments or arguments including statistical figures/facts are more true. The study suggests that people are more likely to resort to heuristic processing if the have limited time in order to process the message or if they are in a positive mood. Differences between the elaboration likelihood model and the

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