
Emergency Diet

Decent Essays

Commit to an Emergency Diet and Admire Its Amazing Results

People tend to believe that they cannot lose weight in a short time. Advertisements with flat belly ladies have lost their influence a long time ago. However, if you find yourself invited to a surprise party at the beach before the preparation for summer time, and you want to look your best, you may try this emergency diet and be amazed by the fast results.

This diet is about the excess belly fat you would want to lose and not a complete diet for a total weight loss. There are two different diets, that last 1 day and 3 days. Choose the one best suited to your needs, and the time you have left before the grand reveal of your body!

3 Days Emergency Diet

• Calories
The first rule …show more content…

You may add a poached flounder, sole and halibut. Remember to count your calorie intake at all times. Of course, cheese and all chips and snacks are out of your three day diet.

• Forbidden Foods
Potatoes, pasta, bread and sugar are off the table for the next 3 days. To comprehend it better, egg whites are the only white food this diet allows you to eat. And keep the salt away of your cooking and salads.

• Water
There is no speedy diet or normal paced diet without mentioning water. 8 glasses of water will be essential for the loss of the belly fat in just 3 days’ time. Stay hydrated and beat any cravings you may have.

1 Day Emergency Diet

As with many emergency diets, the key word is fluids! In order to burn out all of your belly fat, you need to spend a whole day drinking only teas, smoothies and juices. This will offer you great detoxification, and at the same time will help you burn the extra belly fat, in just one day!

8:00 – one glass of water and lemon juice
10:00 – one glass of water and apple or orange juice
12:00 – one cup of green tea
13:00 – one glass of cool water and carrot juice
17:00 – one cup of green tea
21:00 – one glass of water and grapefruit juice
22:00 - one glass of water with lemon

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