
Essay about Emergency Management During a Tornado

Decent Essays

A tornado is a naturally occurring phenomenon. The capability a tornado has for destruction can create a major disaster event requiring a response from local, state and federal agencies. This paper will examine the May 22, 2011 tornado that struck Joplin, Missouri. It will identify and compare the response from local, state and federal perspective. This paper will also identify specific emergency management functions that appear executed well and those that may not have been.
The Disaster
May 22, 2011 a supercell thunderstorm spawned the tornado that “roared through Joplin at 5:45 PM Central Daylight Time (CDT)” (Masters, 2011). This mile wide, two hundred mile per hour winds EF-5 tornado killed one hundred and fifty eight …show more content…

It also includes individuals, families and communities, who continue to be the nation’s most important assets as first responders during a disaster” (FEMA, 2012). These principles allow for a response the takes advantage of available resources responding to an event do so in an efficient manner.
In preparation for a disaster, the community in Joplin embraced the Whole Community approach. In doing so, the community responded in large numbers. While a positive, there were some negative aspects to this level of response as well. On the positive side, the response of first responders quickly met the needs of survivors. Medical personnel and emergency medical services quickly established a field center for triage and treatment for those needing medical assistance after the tornado. Because FEMA’s Whole Community approach asks a community to look beyond what is considered traditional disaster management models, “the City of Joplin used social media to communicate emergency information to the public and conduct outreach to support long-term recovery” (FEMA, 2011). Because of the full commitment to the Whole Community approach, responding to this disaster in a positive manner was possible. That is not to say there were no negative aspects. In most cases, the Whole Community approach worked for Joplin. The exceptions to this statement do exist. The largest negative from the response came from those coming to the aid of those needing assistance in Joplin. “The

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