
Eminem Research Paper

Decent Essays

My Narrative Essay is about Marshal Bruce Mathers also known as Eminem. I chose to write about Eminem because he deeply impact the music industry, and people’s lives. When Eminem was 9 years old he was in a coma. He was put in a coma by a bully at school. He was in a coma for one straight week. Eminem would also get bullied at home not just at school. His mom was a drug addict that didn’t really care much about him. Eminem’s best friend Proof died. Eminem’s new best friend became Andre Romelle Young. Andre is known as Dr. Dre. Eminem met Dr. Dre in 1997. They met because Eminem was in “The Wake Up Show”. It’s an old radio station. Eminem was on the radio station because he was freestyling. Dr. Dre was impressed with Eminem’s freestyling. Dr. Dre signed him to his record label AfterMath Entertainments. 149 …show more content…

Dre got Eminem more famous than he already was. With some help of Dr. Dre Eminem did the rest of the work by making his album called The Slim Shady LP in early 1999. Eminem not only makes rap music he also makes music for people that are having a hard time with a certain situation. He makes motivational music to influence his fans to not give up and to always thrive for greatness. Eminem has won awards before. He sent a message to his fans that they can accomplish way much more than what they think. The really surprising thing is that not once has Eminem said the n-word in his music. That’s crazy to me because now and days that’s the only thing I hear rappers say. Eminem can be a good role model to teenagers or adults. How does that make him a good role model? Eminem can be a good role model because he started from living in a crack house and his mom hating him to living in a huge house now.

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