
Eminem: The Fall and Rise of a Superstar

Decent Essays

Poetry offers different perspectives into life and the world. Through the use of the lyrics in his songs, the rapper Eminem offers his own perspective of his life and the events that have occurred throughout it. In this essay I shall be discussing a few key themes from his songs and how they are communicated to the audience through the use on language techniques and language in general, as well as how they relate to Eminem’s context.

One theme that has a recurring use in his songs is the issue of poverty, as Eminem spent his childhood and early adulthood living in poverty. Eminem often refers to his past and the difficult times he went through. Having to live in a trailer park, growing up in a poor suburb, and his low paying job …show more content…

Towards the end of the song Mockingbird, Eminem discusses his break into the music industry, which completely changed his life. Other songs where the music industry are mentioned are “Stan” “Cleaning out my closet”, “toy soldiers” and, as already mentioned, “Mockingbird”. Despite the fact they gave him his break, Eminem regards the music industry with some contempts, complaining that they kept him away from his family “Daddy’s always on the move,” “you started seeing Daddy on TV”, “Papa was a rolling stone”. He also states that the music industry is no longer about the music but more about the violence and danger that comes with it “There used to be a time when you could just say a rhyme, and wouldn’t have to worry about one of your people dying.” He also discuss how now that he is famous, some people now hate him for no reason, “The owners of it

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