
Emotional Game Score

Decent Essays

Earlier the term “Emotional Game Score” was introduced. That score, which is a 10-point scale, will be separate from the 100-Point-Respect-Scale game score. The goal is not to eliminate that score, but to add to the possibilities. Instead of games receiving one score for a game review, there should be multiple game scores. There will be 3 game scores in total, representing the overall picture and game score. It’s called the 3-Game Score Method 1. “Emotional Game Score” based on 10-points 2. The 100-Point-Respect-Game Score 3. 10-Point Living Game Score Together these 3 games scores will accumulate the overall number for the game final review. Since there is a 10-Point Living Game Score, the “final review” will include that score. Once all the updates are out and live, they can become part of the 10-Point Living Game Score. Thus, meaning that the living scores and final review score can and will change over time. Have you ever read a review of a particular game and then realized that the review was old and posted before all the updates were live? Truthfully, some of the early game review scores put people away from experiencing the game for themselves. …show more content…

The “Emotional Game Score” based on 10-points is all about how you felt about the game. It is just as the title suggests. It is based purely on your emotional response to your individual experience of the game you played. It is important to note that this scale is great when dealing with games that are made to feel tailor fitted for each separate user. A game that thrives on the choices you make and what you do. In this type of game, no one else will have the same exact experience as you. Take “an open world sandlot game” for example. Depending on the order on which you liberate the entire map and explore, will determine the order of side missions and story content that you unlock along the

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