
Emotions In Albert Caltus's 'The Plague' By Albert Camus

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When confronted with difficult circumstances, the emotions of people, their personal beliefs, and past experiences can affect their reactions or lack thereof. In every situation humans are put in, they find a way of surviving with it by first emotionally reacting and then possibly physically taking action. Throughout The Plague by Albert Camus, he makes it clear that people cope with challenging situations in different ways, and the ways can help decide how they take action; the methods can affect people, like Rambert trying to flee to a life he once had, Paneloux blaming everyone around him and Rieux trying, but failing to find a solution.
Looking back at happier times and reminiscing on nostalgia can often help a person come to terms with the situations they are currently facing. Like many people in times of struggle, Rambert focuses on the life he had before going to Oran and the love for a women he left behind in order to escape his current circumstances both literally and figuratively. Rambert believes that he, “was brought into the world to live with a woman” (Camus 85) and that he doesn’t belong in the town. Being separated from his wife is what is pushing Rambert to leave the town, even if that means possibly spreading the disease to the rest of the world. Rioux warns Rambert of this but Rambert is persistent on leaving no matter the consequences. Rambert realizes that he “can’t count on help from [Rioux]… but leave this town [he] shall” (Camus 85). Rambert is so

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