
Employee Grievances

Decent Essays

the Step 1 Grievances that you conducted. This includes the professionalism that you displayed in each one of them starting with the timely acknowledgment of e-mails upon the receipt of the grievances, the follow up in securing the meeting dates/times, listening to the allegations brought forward, and by providing timely written factual based decisions in each one of the grievances.

On 10/2016, you assisted in planning the event for the Employee Recognition by actively participating in the meetings, collaborating ideas for the event, assisting in purchasing the needed items for the events and helping in setting up, serving and cleaning up after the event. These are great examples of your professionalism and commitment towards the agency …show more content…

As mentioned preciously, you have become very proficient in scheduling, organizing and handling Step 1 Grievances. This in large part can be attributed to your well-developed organizational and time management skills. This requires you to plan, organize, review relevant material and consult with management regarding how best to proceed with the grievance. After listening and taking note of the grievant’ s concerns and allegations, you provide a detailed summary of the meeting to the Administrative staff in order to keep them well informed and up-to-date of the outcome of the meeting.

The following are extra activities that you have performed during this rating period:
• 11/2016 - Selected as the regional Dual CMES representative for Bridging the Gap Workgroup, whose goal is to enhance communication between Call Agents and the CMETs at the Service Centers. This included the following: o Bringing forward feedback collected from the CMETs to the workgroup on ideas how to enhance communication between Call Agents and CMETs at the region. o Providing updates on the goals and developments of the workgroup to staff on monthly staff meetings and soliciting feedback from to take to the workgroup. o Participating in reviewing some of the current PGs, P&Ps and RGs in order to update resources to reflect

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