
Encoding Specificity is very important in understanding how memory is retrieved and stored. Memory

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Encoding Specificity is very important in understanding how memory is retrieved and stored. Memory is easier to be recalled when this information is encoded. The encoding specificity is best understood by looking at the associations between contextual cues that were formed during the encoding and the information that needed to be encoded in the memory. Most encoding specificity is associated with cue-recall of specific episodic memory (Wardell & Read, 2013). Encoding specificity has cues that help associate it with the target that is being presented. This helps because they can retrieve information that was stored in their memory. By encoding specificity, the cue helps them search their memory to remember what the target was. …show more content…

In this study, alcohol expectancies follow the cues that are part of the drinking context. This many become involved with alcohol expectancy memories. The idea of cue-induced activation of alcohol expectancies is more likely to be involved with positive and not negative expectancies. It is thought that encoding specificity suggests that activation of certain information in the memory is best recalled when the cues is strongly connected with the information that is being encoded. They focused their study on heavy drinkers because they have more contextual information about alcohol then other people (Wardell & Read, 2013). Looking at another study by Vogt and Bröder following what Starns and Hicks (2005) did with their study. Starns and Hicks discussed mismatching versus matching and which was better for retrieving information. They had a variety of different matching. They had people distinguish the match between the presentation sources in items and the test phase. Encoding specificity explains that matching is better than mismatching in one dimension and should increase retrieving time (Vogt& Bröder, 2007). This explains that pair of words are easier to be remembered when they are different. If the pairs are similar, it is harder to recall what the information was that was

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