There are many problems with the marine and land ecosystems on Chile's Juan Fernandez archipelago. One of the problems is some of the trees and plants have been destroyed by logging destruction and fires. Some say that the problem is easy to fix, but others claim that it is too much money. Also, many birds are getting instinct. Part of that problem is all of the invasive species living there. they are starting to crowd out the island's native plants and birds. This occurs when humans start to live on the island. The island's native peoples brought goats and rabbits that just reproduced. They also brought along cats, mice, rats and carnivorous coati, certain racoon. Each species has made a problem. The cats have killed hummingbirds. There are now less than 1,000 birds. Now, there are many wild goats on the island. They are destroying a habitat of a bird species called Rayadito de Masafuera. Now there are only less than 550 of them remainding. Settlers of Chile have also cut down native trees of the islands. Flourishing European and North African blackberry plants and Chile’s …show more content…
Well, some say that we should save the endangered species. This can be done by doing away with nonnative plants and animals. It would just need a certain amount of money, time and effort. Chile has a plan to keep other species from getting to the archipelago. This plan includes baiting the islands with poison and putting hunters on helicopters to kill unwanted species. This plan would take a lot of money, which leaves people thinking, “why not just fund the procedure?”. The problem with just funding it is that some people may not want to take action. Although some don’t mind it, many islanders are used to the invasive species, and have cats. Others don’t want to suffer losing rabbit and goat meat. Without substantial jungles and unique trees, tourists won’t come, topsoil will flurry away, and fresh water for the about 700 islanders will
Hawaii Turtle Tours takes you for a tour around the island of Oahu to see some pretty amazing things. However, most people don’t know about the trouble that the islands face. The islands are home to some amazing and unique plants and animals. Yet, today it is estimated that there approximately 90% of these species are invasive or foreign. Leaving only 10% of native and endemic species left on the island. This means that of this small percentage, these plans and animals are found nowhere else in the world. Plus, the majority of these species are endemic, which means that they are found only in Hawaii and nowhere else.
The Kaho’Olawe island restoration project is a one of the smallest Hawai’ian Islands located near Maui. The Island is the largest unpopulated offering an opportunity to protect the Hawai’ian species and culture. Kaho’Olawe Island historically support many Hawaii’s native plant and animals yet invasive species present on the island have destroyed native plants and animal’s populations and disruptive of other practices. ISLAND CONSERVATION (IC) is working with the Kaho’Olawe Island Reserve Commission ( KIRC ) to advance the restoration of the islands by the removing of invasive species such as rodents and feral Cats. This effort of removal of these invasive species will allow for the protection of native habitats and providing the opportunity
A few of these remaining species are extremely close to extinction and if we don’t do something soon we may very well lose them good. They’re becoming extinct from the destruction of their natural habitat.
The poop of the Galapagos Penguin fertilizes the land allowing for the healthy growth of plants which are consumed by other animals that live on the islands. If the Galapagos Penguin became extinct, it could possibly cause the extermination of local plants such as the “Ulva” leading to the extinction of the animals which rely on them. These include the “Parrot Fish”, Sally Lightfoot Crabs, “Five-Spotted Anthia” as well as many more species of land and sea
Chile is a country located in the South America, where it borders the Pacific Ocean in the south and west, Argentina in the east, Bolivia in the northeast and Peru in the north. Chile has a shape like long and narrow ribbon and it is also counted as one of the longest and narrowest country in the planet. It has a coastline extending to about 4300km along the Pacific Ocean. Chile has a huge variety of natural terrain from deserts, mountains, forests, lakes to coast, salt plains, glaciers, islands and volcanoes. About four fifths of the land In Chile is mountain of some form or other.
A place the major language is spanish, the president of the country is a woman, the most important value is family, and where the most funniest festival are taken place. This place/country is Chile, the “Island nation” is one of the top beautiful country. With their popular fun holidays, beautiful natural land, clear water, and friendly citizens. Chile is different from other countries which makes them stand out in politics, culture, and fashion.
Throughout the ensuing paper we will dive into a country of rich heritage, beautiful landscape, and an extraordinary people with a very promising future. Chile is the longest country in the world geographically speaking with a majority of the population residing in the central region, specifically Santiago, the capital, and Viña del Mar. The official language is Spanish, although in some regions a couple of other languages are still prevalent.
Chile is a small country that is located in South America and bordered by Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina. Chile's population is a round number of 16,136,000. The capital of Chile is Santiago. Chile is about 756,096 square kilometers, which is equivalent to 291,930 square miles. Chile's main language is Spanish and their religion is mainly Roman Catholic, Protestant (Chile: National). Chile's currency is the Chilean peso. Our U.S. dollar compared to the Chilean peso is 1 U.S dollar = 669.773 Chilean pesos (World's). The life expectancy of a Chilean female = 82-83, male = 77, and the average is 80 (Life). Michelle Bachelet is Chile's president, she is the first female president of Chile. She has served from 2006-2010 and she is currently on her second term which
Plants and animals are being threatened by the human race every single day. David S. Wilcove states in his article, "Only about 15% of the known species in the United States have been studied in sufficient detail to determine whether or not they are imperiled" (Wilcove). As little as "16,000 species," Craig Kasnoff wrote, "are on the endangered species list" (Kasnoff). Some of these are in the United States, where we live. It seems as though people do not feel it is their problem to deal with, when most definitely it is. Human beings in the world are not doing enough for endangered plants and animals because they are not enforcing the Endangered Species Act, polluting the air, and hunting in endangered habitats.
Issue: The environmental issue that I have chosen is the impact that invasive species have on the environment. The impact that invasive species have on the environment is vast, yet little is done about it. This issue is extremely important and will impact the world for generations to come. In this paper, I hope to learn about the effect they have on environment and what we can do about it.
The country of Chile is located in western South America. The conditions vary with the mountains, deserts, and beaches.
Santiago is the capital of Chile. It is currently the largest city in Chile. Santiago was founded in 1541 and has been growing ever since. This city includes the largest building in Latin America called the Gran Torre Santiago. One of Chile's most popular features is Easter Island. Popular for it's stone heads, this Chilean island brings in tourist from all over the world. Famous not only because of the stone heads, but also for being the most isolated inhabited island. It is located 3,512 kilometres off the coast of Chile. The city of Valparaíso is one of the most important ports and cultural hot spots for Chile. It is located midway down the country and on the coast. Another important city is Viña del Mar. It is located
Deforestation is the clearing of a forest and/or cutting down of trees for human benefits such as agriculture, wood exports, etc. Deforestation is the cause of numerous environmental impacts such as habitat loss, flooding and soil erosion. It can also cause climate change, by reducing the amount of rainfall and changing the amount of sunlight reflected from Earth’s surface and increases the risk of forest . Tree growth is important for biodiversity because they absorb carbon dioxide which is a harmful greenhouse gas . However, since deforestation reduces natural carbon sinks, it disrupts the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air causing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air to increase. This poses a serious
Deforestation is defined as: “the clearing of virgin forests, or intentional destruction or removal of trees and other vegetation for agricultural, commercial, housing, or firewood use without replanting and without allowing time for the forest to regenerate itself” (SCRIBD). Deforestation has been a problem in Latin America since the early 1900s and the severity of the dilemma is increasing rapidly. Deforestation not only has consequences for the environment, but also, the indigenous people and the national economy. The logging industry in Latin America is often exploited by multinational companies that are not properly regulated. The land that has provided a home and cultivated indigenous development for centuries is being dissipated rapidly. Due to an exponentially growing global population, there is an increased demand for low priced goods--like timber, crops, and meat. Many Latin American countries value revenue from selling these goods over the health of their local ecosystems. The crisis of deforestation and habitat loss is shifting from a local to global problem. As deforestation continues, global warming escalates worldwide, impacting every country and person. About 15 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions come from tropical deforestation, which is more than from all the world’s cars, trucks and buses combined (Schwartzman). Puerto Rico and Brazil provide contrasting examples of the impact of deforestation. Puerto Rico had an economic and environmental shift
Biological diversity is being lost on a global and local level every day. The loss in biodiversity, especially in plant species, can affect how productive ecosystems are and how well they function. Taking a look at ecosystems with high amounts of biological diversity can provide great insight to how it helps the ecosystem function properly and be more productive. The Amazon is a great case of tons of biodiversity in the environment. This makes the Amazon one of the most productive ecosystems in the world. Sadly, biodiversity is being lost and the effects will eventually be seen by humans. Something needs to be done about this problem. Wildlife conservation projects help in restoring ecosystems and protecting wildlife. These projects are not organized easily because of how many people are affected. Communication between wildlife services, governments, businesses, and residents is crucial for the success of a project. Awareness on the importance of biodiversity and its benefits is the first step in being able to communicate and plan a project.Ecosystems can provide benefits to humans if they are functioning properly. The functioning of an ecosystem depends on how the organisms in it are interacting with one another. Ecosystems with more biodiversity tend to operate better and be more productive. The Amazon rainforest is an example that really exemplifies this. It is one of the most diverse forest in the world, and is also one of the most productive. The Amazon does great