I am not the most confident writer so all of the assignments make me a bit nervous. The last time I took a writing class was around four years ago. However, I did take Engl 349 J last semester and we had to do a reflection paper after each book we read. Since the reflections are mainly to get you thinking, I feel that I can do well in these. In my last class they were meant to be informal writing and am not sure how formal the reflective writing for this class is supposed to be. As someone majoring in psychology, I feel that I can do well in analyzing published research. It can also be a good opportunity to practice how to paraphrase appropriately. Writing for science seems a bit daunting, but it is the type of writing necessary for psychology.
Both documents, Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman?" and "A Black Feminist Statement: The Combahee River Collective", deal with the issues faces by women during each time period. However, they do not only focus on the discrimination of women; they focus on the discrimantion of black women. Sojourner Truth and The Combahee River Collective took the issue that were being dealt with by other women and organzations and brought a bigger issue to the picture. Feminist during these times were focused on helping women, white women, so these particular feminist raised a whole other issue to the table. The biggest difference between these two documents is the time they were each written or spoken. Sojourner spoke in the mid-1800s,
This week I learned that when someone comes in looking for assistance you call the hotline specialist, or the outreach case manager and they will send someone down as soon as they can. If the person looking for assistance does not want to wait I should give them a card with the crisis hotline number on it.
The main area of concern is the notification of violation of expectation, policy, and procedures of the school. With me being the new principal I would make sure that is address in the teacher’s handbook. Once that has been cleared I would check Mr. Flynn’s time sheet for verification to make sure this is not a hear say issue. After I have background knowledge of the issue I and Mr. Flynn’s appraiser will meet with Mr. Flynn to discuss this concern. This meeting will be between just us and the details of the meeting will stay between us and Mr. Flynn’s file. There is no need to go back and discuss this concern with anyone else. The corrected action should speak louder than words. After the conference Mr. Flynn can choose to react in a positive or negative way. A positive consequence that could come out of this is that there could be a new
During this week was exciting with the opportunity to work on various assignments for different programs. Throughout the week consist effective communication and data analysis while corresponding to phone calls and email inquiries regarding Starter Company Plus. Ultimately, I improved the Intake Spreadsheet for the months of March, April, and May by contributing to client’s contact information, seminar sessions and business registrations. Along with, latest Starter Company Plus information uploaded onto the Applicant and Participant Master spreadsheet and evaluated each applicant to determine eligibility. Moreover, recorded individuals who visited, phoned or emailed onto a Ministry ECR Tracking List to acquire additional funding for VBEC for
This week has been a lot of “hurry up and wait.” I spent the first few days waiting to hear back from both Paul Vasington (regarding the 5G memo) and Kathy Farroba (regarding the local net neutrality activity). I spoke to Paul on Thursday; he suggested that I follow Nick Fetchko’s advice and look into broader telecom infrastructure policy since there is little to no 5G policy in most of the localities I looked into. There is no hard deadline on this, so I plan to start next week. Kathy still has not responded to my email from last week.
I have a thorough understanding of our business and our customer. I monitor the trends and behavior of our brands and those of our competitors. I use my knowledge to make the appropriates changes and to empower myself. I follow the guidelines and appropriate channels to communicate effectively with peers, supervisors and partners to get the best results in the day to day business.
In Freshman Composition I learned what metacognition means, and how it applies to academic writing. Next I learned about textual evidence and backing up your opinions with research. *I expect this class to help develop my writing skills, as well as find my voice in writing, all together I expect this class to be challenging but rewarding. Therefore I have set a few goals for myself, my first goal is to step out of my comfort zone and research topics I have never heard of before. My second goal is to not second-guess myself on my writing topics and/or choices. Furthermore I expect great things to come from this
The two ways that enhanced my experience of taking this class are learning to get all the facts of
Kirk Bloodsworth was 22 when he spent eight years in prison, two of those on death row. He was wrongfully convicted. A 9-year old girl was raped and killed on July 25, 1984. Two boys had seen her walking with a man before she suddenly disappeared. The boys described the man to the police and the police came to the conclusion that the murderer was Bloodsworth. He repeatedly claimed he was innocent but he was found guilty and sentenced to death on March, 1985. After 8 years he finally proved he was innocent through DNA testing. He was released from prison on June 1993. He was paid 300,000 dollars (“Correcting”). The US should not institute the death penalty everywhere in the country because it would put us at risk of executing innocent people, costs us millions of dollars in administering the penalty and there is a better way to help the families of murder victims.
When I was 14 years old, I went into high school already struggling. I was caught sneaking out of my house when I was in seventh grade and had been accused of everything from drinking to doing drugs. I was the oldest of four girls and the pressure to be a role model was suffocating and I didn’t do well. No one trusted me.
The 1st semester was full of challenges as a full-time student here at Mohawk College, but I am thankful that it is over. Now, I am grateful that I will be starting my 2nd semester as a Practical Nursing and is determine to succeed.
I feel that this semester of WRIT 300 has taught me a lot the writing process and the different learning outcomes for the WRIT 300 course. This semester I thought was going to be very difficult because of this class, since I feel that writing is my weak point. I feel like I would have rate myself for the beginning of the course on how well I feel about writing on a scale of one to ten. I would give myself in the beginning of the semester a five. Therefore, I will be describing how I have done on each learning out come and how I have improved from the beginning to the end.
The head basketball coach from Tuskegee Institute once said, “Don’t limit your challenges, challenge your limits.” I was always afraid to challenge myself until one day, I learned to step out of my comfort zone. Taking GSW 1110, was an expected challenge as a high school student, but throughout this course I was able to accomplish a lot and improve as a writer. I can conclude that my writing has improved greatly due to the establishment of the correct principles of writing introduced to me this semester. Although improving during this course was something I always strived for, I am determined to continue improving so I am prepared for future academics in my career.
I have only been attending Cleveland State University for two semesters, and as this course comes to an end I feel like I grown and learned many techniques more than ever. I came to Cleveland State University with only my high school knowledge on how to format an argumentative essay, and throughout this course I now know how to write and format many other papers. Taking English 100 has taught me how to break down and analyze an article, it taught me how to find confidence in my work, and it helped me grow to an even better writer.
Having taken a combination of English and writing all through my high school career I have come to know myself as a writer, I was able to learn a vast majority of my capabilities and weaknesses. After thoroughly reading the description of all of the writing courses offered at Salem State University I have came to the decision that the writing course that best meets my needs is ENL 110.