In conclusion, we have learned a lot about diversities and different cultures in this English 1050 class, including all the different students that we learned about through the weekly discussions. I love to read the weekly post because everyone has different opinions that I can learn. I came from Asia and living in America, and I think in my life experience, I experienced a lot about the diversity and ethnicity issue. To change that and use Ethnicity to bring people together is the big issue nowadays. Might to find some common ground and realize we are all the same. At the very core of our being, we are people, and it is up to us to find ways we can unite and become stronger as a complete whole. Finally, thanks for everyone who fought with
In English 1102 students will learn many different techniques throughout the course to understand and compose an analysis on an array of topics. After the course is over it is up to the students to apply what they have learned to everyday life. Many students throughout this course have questioned why they have to learn this material and that it will not even help them in the real world, but they are wrong. Each and everyday people should look at the deeper meaning and analyze situations very carefully or else one may find themselves being deceived. Being able to analyze is a very important skill no matter what career choice you choose. In this course the material assigned also had many life lessons in them. A great example of a reading assignment
The five-minute warning bell goes off. I rush to my first class of my junior year, eager to see my classmates, who I was going to spend the rest of the 9 months with. I find myself stumbling into a classroom plastered with decorations of Denzel Washington with a Dr. Seuss book in his hand, a t and college flags galore. My AP English 11 class suddenly seemed so appealing to me. As a beautiful, curly haired short lady stood in front of me and said “Welcome to AP English 11,” I knew that I had found a treasure so much greater than just a pretty classroom. Little did I know, that short lady was going to inspire me throughout my challenge filled second-to-last year of high school.
In the past two months i fell like i have accomplished a great deal. As i focus on it more i realize i have become a better reader. I did this by concentrating on my readings and take my time to read them. With the help of my professor and classmates i began to analyze what i read.
During my first quarter in Honors English 10, I have had my deal of frustration and struggles with the class, along with some success and prosperity. I have found many of my strengths, and plenty of my weaknesses; that I would enjoy building upon for the rest of the school year to come. Although the profuse advice provided by many of my teachers and peers is absolutely valuable (and appreciated), I fancy finding my own way to complete tasks; though it may be an insufficient way.
English 111 has been a great course so far. I have been learning new material that will help me to improve my comprehensive English skills, such as speaking, reading and writing. In this course, we have covered many topics that usually are not presented or introduced to students in younger agers. Sexual harassment is one of the sensitive topics that we have discussed in details. I personally did not fully know what is the true definition of sexual harassment and what form of actions or phrases that we could say that would considered to be forms of sexual harassments or harassments in general. During lectures, we have looked cases of sexual harassments and how we can educate ourselves and be aware of this issue that our communities facing. Student were assigned to draw their thoughts and what they have
My entire life, I have looked forward to math class; it has always made sense to me. Plugging numbers into an equation and solving for x always came easy to me. Outside of school, I enjoy reading. Easily, I could pick up a book and read the entire thing as time just flies by me. The books I don’t like to read are the ones that I am forced to read in a constricted amount of time. Before this year, I’ve never taken an honors English class; I was the smartest one in my CP class. I never challenged myself which is the reason I decided to take AP English. I didn’t put this on my schedule have my transcript look good, or to boost my GPA, I want to become a better writer. In 20 years, the skills I learn throughout this year will be more important
I am here to go through some expectations regarding this AP course with you all as Mr. Spencer is away at a conference. The things I will go over are so that you understand what this class is about, specifically as it relates to the advanced placement aspect of it. As this is an AP English class it’s essential for you to have a basic understanding of how you are to structure content in an essay. This means I will explain what makes a strong thesis and how to back it up with a strong argument and rhetoric. All of this being said, I will also give you information on what exactly is generally expected of you in this classroom as a whole.
January of 2017 I started taking an English Comp II class. I was very hesitant about it because I knew I wasn't so good in writing. Coming into the class with a little bit of knowledge was good but I still am not a good writer or where I should be at this point. All the assignments the teacher give is kind of complicated for me because i just can’t come up with ideas to help me start and get through my paper. I wish i could focus better and be able to write papers.
With completing the half of the semester in the ENGL 160 class, I was able to benefit from a variety of new things from the class. The first time when I came into the class I had a fear that my grammar level doesn’t meet teacher’s requirements, as well as my essays will be simple and I would have “C” in this class. Moreover, I’m international student that is way I was uncertain of my English and I was thinking that during the class period I would understand only 50% of information, but fortunately I get all information from class.
ENGL 101 class is on my study schedule for this semester. This class runs over writing academic researches for college. As a student for this class, I can give my reflection about this course. This reflection might be a useful for the future. Because when the educators know about some of students’ challenges during this course, they could overcome those problem next time. Also, they would give more attention for student’s needs. Through this reflection, I would write some benefits points form studying this course, descript the challenges that I have faced in this course.
To begin with, this English 101 course differed from the previous English courses I have taken by being less hostile, more informative, and all around more helpful. This course was much more relaxed, in the way that, students were not constantly looking over their shoulder terrified that the teacher might come up behind them and belittle everything they had written and throw it out. Dr. Bosse took the time to go over each type of writing we were about to encounter, giving us examples and explaining the examples to make sure each of us knew exactly what was expected and how we could accomplish it. If we had problems, there was no doubt, we could go to him for help and advice, whether it be in class or not. Dr. Bosse made sure that each of us
The grade I have earned in English 101 is an “A”. I have earned this grade as a result of the essays, corrections, and quizzes I haves completed throughout the semester. In addition, some fudge factors such as not having any absences and constantly participating in class help support the grade I have earned.
In this Summer English session in room 303 I learned a lot of interesting things. I spent a lot of time in this room with several people. I spent my summer school session reviewing texts such as Edgar Allan Poe, and General George Washington excerpts. I found a lot of the text very interesting and intriguing and I thoroughly enjoyed Mr. McGee’s extensive lectures. I absolutely love lasagna. Through his lectures, texts, and interesting insight on respect. I learned several different important aspects in this classroom. However, the three most important lessons I learned were; teachers don’t follow contracts, I absolutely hate writing, and I am scared to be a senior.
During my day, I go to the classes that I always go. As usual, I stay silent and I do my work. Unlike the other classmates who usually talk constantly, I stay quiet. Some of my classmates find it weird that I don't talk much. In one of my honors classes, I feel like a misfit because I feel like I don't fit in with the others. They find me mysterious, almost like a freak. When I disagree with their ideas, I don't say anything because they'll think I'm the bad guy.
Over the semester I have learned, and developed in many areas of cultural and educational areas. We went over a large variety of multicultural influences and their impact on us personally and in educational settings, and I feel that I have grown immensely in numerous categories. Culture is such a big part of all of our everyday lives, and it impacts the way to act much more than we could ever realize. The world is full of diversity, throughout every continent. The United States is becoming more and more diverse as time goes on, and some people need to change with the times. The world is changing, but some are caught in the past with views on culture and diversity. It is sad to see how groups of people are still, in the