
English Assignment : My English Experience

Decent Essays

I finished my English assignment. I felt instant relief that it was finished. I also felt very proud because I worked quite hard on that paper. I decided to dedicate my entire weekend to work on the essay because I knew I would need a lot of time to think and revise. I finished all my homework from my other classes before the weekend. My art teacher complimented my skills. This event made me feel valued and talented. It gave me more confidence later when I was working on my art project. I practiced a lot at home and had watched some tutorials on drawing the night before. My mum cooked my favourite meal. I felt happy and loved! I had a long day so coming home to my favourite meal, stir-fried tomato and eggs, was so comforting. My mum actually had gotten the tomatoes from a neighbour who had too many. Therefore, she was inspired to make the meal!
Tuesday, Oct. 24th I learned that you can make a bacon, onion, spinach omelette in a waffle machine. I felt hungry and then very satisfied. It saved so much time in the morning because the waffle machine does not burn the eggs. Therefore, I do not have to watch the pan and I could make lunch while waiting for it to cook. I learned this trick online. I searched up easy egg recipes and the waffle trick was the first to show up. I finished my psychology notes. I felt accomplished. I like to have notes for all of the textbook readings that I can follow along during lectures. I worked on them from immediately after school to late

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