
English Language Learners: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

This peer reviewed journal article is a great guide to conduce English Learners on the right path of academic success. It explains the struggles faced by English Learners attending a new school, new language, and new culture. But, it also offers solutions and strategies on how American schools should address the language, literacy, and academic needs for English learners more effectively. According to the authors, one of the most important steps when teaching English learners is that, “In programs where English is the primary language of instruction for literacy development, it is critical for teachers to show respect for the student’s primary language and home culture.” The article identify the elements of effective instruction and review a variety of successful program models. 2. Ferlazzo, L., & Siepniesky, K. H. (2012). The ESL / ELL Teacher's Survival Guide (1st ed.). San francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Print. The book, The ESL / ELL Teacher's Survival Guide it’s very well-organized with relevant information about English Language Learners, and full of practical strategies that can easily be incorporated in the classroom. It contains complete units with reproducible forms and worksheets, sample lesson plans, sample student assignments, and …show more content…

Written by the authors Adrienne L. Herrell and Michael L. Jordan, it’s a very comprehensive book aligned to TESOL and Common Core standards. Besides to explain each strategy in detail, it also explains the reasoning behind the strategy. The book includes self-evaluation rubrics, adaptation charts, classroom examples demonstrating approaches to CCSS, video links, pop-ups encouraging further reading, and a glossary of terms encountered in the text. In addition, the strategies have been tested in diverse classroom with English Learners producing excellent learning

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