I started to gain interest in leadership and helping others in Junior High. I was really inspired by the upperclassmen. So, with the motivation I had, I applied to be in W.E.B. It is an organization where you become role models for your underclassmen and you also help around campus. I have done W.E.B for two years and for those two years, I’ve led many groups of kids around campus. I eventually became friends with those underclassmen. It felt amazing knowing that I am a person that kids can come and talk to. And that’s what I wanted, having people feel comfortable around me, but also takes me seriously. I may be goofy, but I can be serious.
Entering High School, I was determined to join so many clubs. But at the end, it didn’t matter about
When people tell you that high school would be the best time of your life, you don’t really understand the magnitude of what they’re saying until your time is coming to an end. A lot of people say that you “find yourself” in college. I, however, had the advantage of finding myself in high school. These past six years have been awesome, and I really mean it. I know it might not seem believable for a high school student to enjoy school, but I’m not lying about this stuff. I felt this way even before there was a scholarship to apply for. My mom taught me from a young age to enjoy going to school, and as much stress as it might have caused me over the years, I still loved every second of it. It’s easy to focus on the undesirable parts like sleep
In 6th grade, I was chosen to participate in a leadership program at Richard Hull Middle School. At this program, I worked with girls who possessed similar leadership qualities, and I learned more about what it is to be a good leader. This leadership position taught me what makes a good leader. For my three years in high school, I dreamed to be in NHS. This is not only a role, but also a responsibility. This past year, I was selected as one of four board members of the Youth Church Committee. I was placed in charge of organizing quiz meet, dance, and banquet programs in which it would occur at various times throughout the
Future Business Leaders of America is a fast organization that has taught me a lot about leadership. I have held the office as secretary for our FBLA chapter for two years, and held the position as annual reporter the previous year. Myself and two other individuals created a community service project to raise money and awareness for Cystic Fibrosis; we competed at the state conference in Topeka, Kansas and received first place which qualified us to compete at the national level last summer in Atlanta, Georgia. It was an experience that I will never forget. I have also been a dedicated member of FFA for four years, I have held the position as Class vice president for three years, and I have been a member of National Honor Society for two years. National Honor Society is a service club that gives to the community and school. Service has taught me compassion and understanding. I trust that service is contagious. When people help others it can cause a chain reaction; one good deed leads to another. I enjoy helping others and realizing that I have made a positive impact on an individual’s
One of the first real leadership positions I ever had at my school was in the Hillcrest Hospital Helpers Club. I became a member my first year at Hillcrest as a sophomore and became immediately interested in their purpose as a school club. While it may sound cliché, the members of the club, and especially the leaders, wanted to make a difference through their service. We would at least monthly participate in creating art crafts and activities for the children at Shriner’s Hospital and then deliver it to them. While it may not seem much to the average person, the happiness on the children’s faces was worth all of our efforts and more.
Throughout my high school career, I have been involved in various clubs and organizations to help me become a leader in my community. At Auburn High School I took on the role of being a Publicist officer for National Technical Honors Society the first two consecutive years that it became a part of our school. I gained a lot of leadership experience through this club. Implementing a new organization is never easy and takes a lot of hard work and dedication from the leaders of the club. By being a part of a very helpful, dedicated and motivated team, we helped affiliate all the eligible members into the club and in turn helped introduce this new club to the school. As publicist my role in helping the club grow was crucial; I helped in publicizing the clubs various projects and involvement.
Growing up in a small town, it is crucial that every individual get involved. This has pushed me to stay active in athletics, National Honor Society, student government, FFA, band, choir, play production, speech, and CYO. I take every organization I am involved with seriously and have earned some leadership positions: FFA News Reporter, Volleyball & Basketball Captain, Class President, and Student Council Member. It is an honor to hold these leadership positions and be a positive role model for the younger generation. I am able to support those younger than me and demonstrate a hard work ethic. By using my leadership and communication skills I have been able to influence teammates and fellow members to have a positive attitude
Hi! Im Shelby from MMS.I am super eager to be a freshman at highschool next year but i'm also nervous.With being eager and nervous I am also really adventurous, creative, curious about how things work,and kind. I wouldnt say im the best student because I am still working on managing my time wisely. I can work well under pressure but I don't want to have to in the future.I also have to work on turning things in on time.I have to be a good example because I am the oldest of two half brothers.One goes to Kindergarten academy right now his name is Elijah.And my other half brother goes to West shore academy the private school, his name is Jackson. They are both in kindergarten.
I have chosen a business related course as I have been interested in this field from GCSE level & I believe that I have the qualities to forge a successful career in this area. I have been inspired to fulfil this path by my Uncle, a director at a successful company in England
Being able to participate in these clubs allowed me to get a sense of my community – learning about the ways people work. With my dedication to school and concern about my
I recently attended a leadership conference at Dixie State University where they had students that were in leadership roles come and interact with different schools. In that meeting they explained the importance a person can have on others and the benefits of becoming involved in the school can have on us. We had great speakers throughout the meeting, one of which was involved in the computer program and he explained the amount of knowledge he had gained since high school and college. He was into computer technology all this life and just recently got into the medical field where he expressed how happy he is to be advancing in technology. All the roles I have been a part of have strengthened me as an individual and I know I can take all these experiences and apply them to my future goals.
I want to end this story on a happy note. I really do. But I dread me going away to college, leaving Inaara in high school. But I dread the idea of me pouring all of my hard work into this essay and only see the minus on my transcript. But I dread the day I'm going to have to confront Andrew, the kid with aspirations to football in college, about playing lineman instead of wide receiver again next season, signifying the fact that our passing in the morning had truly been for nothing. At least the essay I’ve dreaded for so long is now finished.
Throughout the duration of my life, roles of leadership have influenced my stance towards my major, most notably my role in the Girl Scouts of America. Committing to Girl Scouts for thirteen years has given me ample opportunities to positively impact others. It has also given me real world scenarios in which I had the chance to resolve disputes, interact with diverse people, and contribute to several projects that bettered my community. I take pride in my time with the Scouts, as it not only benefitted me by personally transforming me into a young professional with a strong work ethic and morals, but it allowed me to help others and work on understanding the world around me. My most significant and rewarding project involved conducting research
I believe I can help to be a positive influence on the incoming freshmen by using my skills, qualities, and experiences to help their transition into a new beginning.
I was always volunteering for class representative. I loved how I was helping the school and creating positivity for everyone else in the school. Although this may not compare to what ASB does for our school, I have experience that I could use that to influence my actions to produce an encouraging school tone. Another experience I have in leadership is in my camping group. I was in a YMCA dad-and-daughter camping program and for one of the years I was involved my father and I were in charge of the 300 person group. My job was to help the other girls and create entertaining activities for everyone to enjoy. I also planned many things such as; the general activity theme for each campout, how to make everyone feel welcomed and included, and the locations for the campsite. I also rewarded and identified good behavior and helped create new friendships with the people in our program. These leadership experiences are one of the reasons why I am a good fit for
Growing up in a small town, with the knowledge of a small town community can have an effect on you. Having the respect and dignity to know between right and wrong adds and interesting aspects into a life style. Growing up in a small community makes you realize what it is like to have small class rooms and having your teachers know you by a first name basis.Knowing everyone on each sport team because “everyone knows everyone in a small town”. I had the ability to be able to ride my bike down the street without a real question of my safety where I grew up in Worland Wyoming. I have different academic interests than others may, I enjoy different extracurricular activities than other students, and life experiences that are unlike anyone else that have shaped me into who I am today.