
Environmental Factors Affecting Plant Growth In Canada

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Plant growth is dependent on environment factors and the activities of the meristematic tissues after germination (Dunlop et al, 2010). Some environmental factors that will affect plant growth are soil pH and external stimulus. Most plants can only grow well within a narrow range of pH values; 6-8 (Dunlop et al, 2010). Any soil that is more acidic or basic will result in poor or no plant growth. Phototropism is the growth response of a plant to light due to an unequal distribution of auxin (Dunlop et al, 2010; Tucker, 2006). This causes the plant to grow towards the light source and the cells on the side opposite to the light elongate. Dunlop & Tucker state that this results in the stem curving towards the direction of the light.The meristematic …show more content…

Gibberellins is a plant growth hormone produced in the apical meristem. They stimulate cell elongation and seed germination (Dunlop et al, 2010). As a result, gibberellins can promote the growth of taller plants and plants that flower early (Dunlop et al, 2010).

Plants are an integral part of Canadian society. They form the basis of medicine, construction and contributes to Canada’s GDP. (Fabricant, D.S., & Farnsworth, N.R., 2001; Dunlop et al, 2010). Plants such as goldenseal and ginseng provide ways in which one can access medicine without a prescription. These herbal plants can be used to improve the function of the immune system, fight colds, and treat sore gums/throats (Dunlop et al, 2010; University of Maryland Medical Center, 2015; n.a, 2013). Ginseng increases the number of immune cells in the blood and improves the immune system’s response (University of Maryland Medical Center, 2015). It also helps rid the body of radicals, which are substances that can damage DNA and contribute to heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions (University of Maryland Medical Center, 2015). About 3 000 tonnes of North American ginseng roots are exported to other countries’ markets …show more content…

This allows for production of healthy food without compromising future generations (GRACE Communications Foundation, n.d). The main objectives of sustainable agriculture is a healthy environment, economic profitability and social and economic equity (UCDAVIS, n.d). Examples of sustainable agriculture would be crop rotation and traditional agriculture techniques. Crop rotation is the practice of growing different types of crops in the same area over seasons (n.a, n.d). Planting the same crop in the same field season after season without rotation leads to decreased yields over the course of several years. The land becomes less fertile because the crop being repeatedly planted in the same field drains the land of nutrients needed for plant growth (n.a, n.d). Crop rotation mitigates these effects since different plants require different types of nutrients from the soil. By changing crops routinely, the land remains fertile since not all of the same types of nutrients are being used each season (n.a, n.d). Additionally, traditional agriculture practices such as the aboriginal peoples planting corn, beans and squash together (also known as the ‘three sisters’) encourages the plant sustainability because the three types of plants are symbiotic (n.a, n.d). The corn provides support for the climbing beans and in return, the

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