
Environmental Issues Should Be Human Centered And Cost Beneficial

Decent Essays

In the essay the author, William F. Baxter, held the view that environmental issues should be human-centered and cost beneficial. In other words, his observations are that our effect on the environment is irrelevant except as it affects human interest. He also feels that we have no obligation to respect the balance of nature because no natural state of nature exists. Baxter 's main goal was to have an "optimal state of pollution" which means an amount of pollution that yields the highest amount of human satisfaction. Baxter used the example of the use of DDT hurting the penguin population. His thoughts were that we, as a human race did not halt the use of DDT for the penguin 's sake but rather for our own enjoyment. People like watching penguins "walk about on rocks" and to see them is more important than using DDT. Baxter 's observations of environmental problems are people oriented, he has no interest in saving penguins for their own sake. Although Baxter stated that when people act as if each person represents one unit of importance is undeniably selfish, it is the only starting place for analysis. He felt that this is the way we really think, or "correspond to reality." One example he used was that we as humans are surrogates for plant and animal life. The point being that clean air is important to humans for their own sake, yet the penguins and pine trees will benefit from this desire. Another example Baxter used in substantiating his position was that if one person is

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