
Environmental Science Video Analysis

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For the beginning week of Environmental Science 100, we had several videos to watch. They all appeared via, and featured different presenters. The first video is titled "What is environmental science?", and was uploaded by The video features a narrator, however is not credited. She begins by explaining that environmental science is the study of interactions of the physical, biological, and chemical components of the environment, to include their effects on living organisms in the environment. This relates to all things across the board, including humans. Within the field of environmental science three fields of study are prominent. They include how the natural world works, how humans impact the environment, and how humans interact with the environment. Environmental science is known as an interdisciplinary field. this is because it incorporates several …show more content…

It was uploaded by Biola University, and features speaker Dr. Garry DeWeese. He is a sociology professor at Talbot University. His background includes attending seminary in Dallas, TX, being a pastor, and a attendee of the United States Air Force Academy. Right from the beginning of the video, he proclaims he is a Christian. He stated some good examples by talking about nature. I too enjoy the outdoors, and always feel serene when I'm out in nature by myself. So I took that speaking point to heart. He further goes on to discuss climate change. This is such a touchy subject in today's society. There is a huge rift in the world about global warming. What he said is true, people are demonized for their beliefs. That's not right. Everyone is entitled to his or her own beliefs. I think if the issue of climate change was not polluted with politics in the first place, the issue would be much better addressed than it is today. As living organisms we have a responsibility to ensure our planet's future for those to

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