
Environmental Studies : The Environment

Good Essays

Giorgi Asatiani
Instructor 's Name
English 101
26 April 2015
Essay 3

Environmental Studies
The environment means the surrounding and everything that affect the organisms during their lifetime. It can also be said to be the total sum of the water, the air and the land interrelationships amongst themselves and also with the human beings, other living organisms and the properties. The environment includes all the physical and the biological surroundings and also their interactions. By studying the environment, it helps us to have a better approach towards understanding the environment of the planet and also the impact that the human beings make towards it. It is, therefore, global in nature and has a multidisciplinary subject such as …show more content…

Environmental Studies. N.p., 2013).
There have been various causes of environmental degradation since the industrialization age. However, some of them have been very controversial because different countries have got different views regarding the environmental degradation. However, studies done by scientists all over the world have got the same outcome; that our environment is at risk and if something is not done, the future is at risk due to the issues and factors that are associated with the degradation of the environment. There are various forms of degradations that can affect the environment easily. They include; deforestation, improper disposal of the waste products, water pollution and the global warming. Most of these environmental hazards are continuously happening and thus making the environment to deteriorate. Even though the effects might not be immediate, it might take a long time before the full effects of the above effects to be realized (Aguillon, Jon et al. Environmental Degradation: Causes, Effects And Solutions. 1st ed. 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2015).
One of the most and perhaps the most controversial environmental degradation factor is the global warming. There are greenhouse gases that are naturally at the atmosphere. They include; carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, ozone and the nitrous oxide. Therefore, global warming results from the process whereby the natural levels of these

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