
Environmental Sustainability Of The Airport

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3. Mitigating environmental dis-benefits of the plan for sustainability
The identified dis-benefits of the plan in section 2 are not always eliminated but can be reduced to the acceptable level standardised by regulating bodies such as International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). Every stakeholders of the airport must consider sustainability of the environment while planning for future because a careless actions at the present may have huge negative impact on the social, environmental and economic aspect in the future.
3.1 Mitigations of noise pollution
Noise pollution cannot be fully eliminated but as stated before, it can be reduced to an acceptable level. Effects of noise varies greatly depending on the types of source, location of the recipient and the time of production. Hence, the noise produced by the aviation industry and its related operations are mitigated by different techniques and methods, which are as follows.
Design changes: Reduction of noise at the source such as exhausts from aircrafts and ground vehicles, airframe noise and power-plants via noise reduction technologies. Especially regarding aircrafts, they have become quitter over the years as the technological advancement in propulsion system of the aircraft has allowed the manufacturers to build less noisy aircrafts compared to its predecessors [9]. A possible future solution for the noise pollution relating to combustion aircrafts could be electric aircrafts. It would be an ideal solution for the

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