
Epidemiologic Transition Essay

Decent Essays

There are a couple of concepts that help describe this observation of health and socioeconomic factors. The first concept is epidemiologic transition. This is a term to describe when a population improves overall in things like healthcare, sanitation, quality of life, and more the life expectancy within the population will drastically increase and the main cause of death will go from infectious diseases to noninfectious diseases. This concept does relate to the episode I watched because in poor communities they will often have lower life expectancies due to multiple factors. The life expectancy could be increased if the overall quality of life in the neighborhood could be increased. Also, lower income neighborhoods tend to be less sanitary and tend to …show more content…

This little boy and his mother were able to live in one of the houses with the special ventilation system. In sum, this little boy’s asthma may not have worsened so quickly if his mother would have had better access to medical advancements and non-moldy housing. So if this neighborhood were to improve on their medical advancements and sanitation issues they may have gone through an epidemiologic transition. Another concept is secular change. This concept is the change of growth in a population across multiple generations. There are a couple of types of secular change, including: an increase in the average height, an increase in the average weight, and a steady decrease in the age a child reaches puberty. This concept correlates to my episode since puberty has been occurring sooner and sooner due to the rise in childhood obesity rates. Children in lower income areas tend to eat worse foods and tend to have higher obesity rates due to the lack of access to healthier foods. This helped contribute to the secular trend involving the decrease in the age a child starts puberty. Another concept is the ‘Thrifty Genotype’

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