
Epilepsy In My Life

Decent Essays

On March 16, 1997 at 12:01 am, a child was born to the parents of Ernest and Bobbie Miller. “What should we named her?” the mother asked. After five minutes of conversing, the grandmother said, “Let’s name her Diamond Latrice Miller.” Everyone fell in love with that name and that is what my parents named me. When I was a little girl, I was living life to the fullest. I was learning how to crawl, talk, speak, say the alphabet and numbers, how to tie my shoes, etc. Little did I know that life would have hardships and I would have to come to face with them at the age of eight. During that time of my life, I was dealing with epilepsy, which was the most frightening stage I went in my life. I had to take so many tests such as EKGs and MRIs and go to many doctor visits. During this experience, my parents always told me to have faith and believe in God in any situation that you go through. Because of their teachings, I was freed from epilepsy, …show more content…

They are very strong advocates about me getting my education because they wanted to see their children become better than them. The reason behind this was the fact that both of my parents did not go to college and the money they make only pay for bills, taking care of me and my little sister, and buying groceries. By them instilling all of this information and what I saw in my life, I gained determination to not give up my dreams and become something spectacular one day.
My dream goal after college is to become a bilingual tax accountant. I would love to work at one of the top four accounting firms. Then, after at least about ten to fifteen years of accounting experience, I would open up my own accounting firm and also give back to the community by creating a scholarship, donate money to local charities, and help out my family members with anything they need because they molded me into the person I am

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