
Equine Veterinarian

Satisfactory Essays

Dale Carnegie, an American lecturer on self-improvement, wrote, “Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.” My most examined memory is of my father complaining about his job, a cyclical unpleasantry. He became a physical therapist not out of passion, but by reason of a pleasing salary and stability. As it is now time for me to select an occupation, numerous elders have suggested careers such as pharmacists, radiologists, and drug researchers; an ‘oh they earn nice money’ follow the unwarranted suggestions. Despite the “allure” of wealth, I find safe jobs incredibly mundane. As people grow older, we extinguish our flaming passion for various reasons: family, money, security, …show more content…

I cite Carnegie’s quote since it resonates with my flaming enthusiasm for being an equine veterinarian, an occupation with a risk and reward equally high due to numerous factors involving economics, education, and trends. Yet, with horse sense and persistence, my dream can escape …show more content…

As a result of this diversity, no two days are alike, and an Equine veterinarian is always prepared. In a scientific field such as this, new solutions are discovered each day for old problems, thus, veterinarians must constantly expand their knowledge of the field to best serve their customers. This profession is one people’s livelihoods depend on, as such equine veterinarians are faithful to their jobs and love of animals. While a companion animal vet may be able to set regular hours and still receive plenty of clients, an equine veterinarian must always be available to come in for emergencies (Martin, 08 Oct.). This testimony, from my mentor and equine vet Dr. Michael Martin, corroborates that many veterinarians have to put in long hours. A normal day can start anywhere from six in the morning to continuing from the night before due to an emergency; as such, one in three veterinarians reported working more than fifty hours in a week (“Veterinarians”). The busyness of the day also depends on the time of year; spring is the most hectic as owners are breeding horses, summer and autumn are more relaxed, and winter receives the least amount of business as owners are less inclined to go out in the cold weather to ride and work their

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