
Erechteinon On The Acropolis In Athens

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I was impressed by Erechtheion, on the Acropolis in Athens. It was built between 421 B.C and 406 B.C. and repaired in 377/76 B.C to include cross walls. Later (7th A.D.) was converted into a Christian church.
Mnesicles might be an architect of the structure, Phidias was employed as a sculptor. The building had a religious function, and was meant to serve as a home for Athena (goddess of war and wisdom) and Poseidon (god of sea, storm, earthquake, horses). There is also a belief that it was built to honor the king Erechtheus (king of Athens). There is also another belief, that Erechteinon was a replacement of the temple of Athena Polias.
The building is small comparing to Parthenon, which is on the south from it (see attached image of satellite

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