I was impressed by Erechtheion, on the Acropolis in Athens. It was built between 421 B.C and 406 B.C. and repaired in 377/76 B.C to include cross walls. Later (7th A.D.) was converted into a Christian church.
Mnesicles might be an architect of the structure, Phidias was employed as a sculptor. The building had a religious function, and was meant to serve as a home for Athena (goddess of war and wisdom) and Poseidon (god of sea, storm, earthquake, horses). There is also a belief that it was built to honor the king Erechtheus (king of Athens). There is also another belief, that Erechteinon was a replacement of the temple of Athena Polias.
The building is small comparing to Parthenon, which is on the south from it (see attached image of satellite
The Parthenon was built in Greece in 447 B.C, and was a strong symbol of Athenian wealth in Ancient Greece. Located in Athens, the Parthenon was dedicated to Athena, an important patron to the city. The Parthenon holds the city of Athens treasury office (Doc 6). The Parthenon's purpose
Phidias, who is an exceptional sculptor, built one of the greatest temples in the ancient world: the Parthenon. Today, The Parthenon appears to be prominent. Phidias devoted this temple to Athena, and built it for the Acropolis of Athens. Although the Parthenon was built in the 5th Century BC, some of the temple still stands today.
The Parthenon at the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, built between 447 BCE and 432 BCE to honor the Greek goddess Athena. The Parthenon located in the acropolis is located on the top of a big hill. This could be a tactic to protect the structure from invaders, however, this is also symbolic of wanting to be closer to the gods, in this case closer to Athena. This great architectural piece made of huge slabs of marble creates a sense of grandness only the gods deserved. The architect included relief sculpture of larger than
Parthenon is a former temple,Greece dedicated it to their goddess Athena, the people of Parthenon considered it as their patron.While they were creating a building the Persians decided to come over and burn it down and where that building was after the Persians burnt it down the Greeks built the Parthenon right where the other building was.
Scarlet letter Nathaniel Hawthorne connects himself with Hester, but who is Hester Prynne in the Scarlet letter? We can see who she is by what she does and how she deals with the consequences of her acts. She could have two personalities because the way she acts when she is in front of the people and the way she acts alone. We will also talk about the relationship she has with the people close to her that also are important for the novel's plot because society affects the development of Hester's personality and character; however, the people closest to her impacts her life as well.
Many people consider the Parthenon to be an extraordinary building. Why is this building so celebrated and influential? The purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the building’s history, examine the intricate architectural choices, and explore the extent to which selected Classically-inspired architectural works have taken influence from the Parthenon.
The Parthenon is a classical style of ancient Greek architecture and the most important building in the city and it self replaced on older temple of Athena, which called Pre-Parthenon. It was built and completed in 438 B.C buy Iktinos and Kallikrates, after that destroyed by Persian in 480 B.C. The Temple all made form marble and its 20 miles far from Athens. Later
Many individuals are likely to ignore the Erechtheion temple's importance as a result of being mesmerized with the view of the Parthenon. However, this is actually a very important building when considering the religious rituals that were present there. One can virtually say that the Erechtheion stands in contrast to the Parthenon, taking into account that the latter practically takes up most of the view with its imposing Doric structure. The building was sculpted by Phidias under the direction of Perikles.
The Erechtheion was built to house the wooden statue of Athena Polis. It is an unusual and irregular temple situated on the north side of the acropolis. The temple was named after an early Athenian king named Erecthonios. During Erethonios reign a statue of Athena Polis fell to earth and this statue was placed into the Erechtheion. The exterior of the temple is designed so that there are four sets of columnar supports, three structural units with individual roofs and four different levels. There is no way to fully understand what the Erechtheion looked like on the inside as it was destroyed but we know that the main central building is spilt into parts, the eastern and the western cellars along with smaller porches on the north and south. The
The Parthenon, a temple of the Doric order, is one of the greatest artistic accomplishments of the fifth century. The Parthenon is viewed without mythological reference and stands far outside the normal Greek temple decoration, which is commonly known to derive its subject matter from the mythical past. (Connelly 53) The Parthenon is different from most other Grecian art of the fifth century and is truly beautiful. One of the greatest reasons the Parthenon is set apart as a great feat in Grecian art is due to its different stylization and the fact that the entire temple is built from the finest white marble throughout the entire piece, including the roof. (Stockstad) The Parthenon is a gorgeous testament to the "Athenian citizenry participating in their annual
One of the most impressive accomplishments of Ancient Greece is the remarkable structure of the Parthenon on the Acropolis. The Parthenon is one of the most inspiring works of architecture known to mankind. The project of the extraordinary Acropolis was taken on by one of the most influential leaders of history, Pericles. Pericles influenced not only the building of one of the grandest works but the example of democracy displayed by the Greeks. The architecture was unique for its time, it featured excellent structure,the breathtaking Metopes featuring the epic battles of the gods, the Frieze a detailed sculpture displaying a procession of Greeks, and was built to house the magnificent statue of Athena adorned in gold. The Parthenon was
Besides being the Athenians greatest architectural achievement, the Parthenon serves a basic purpose. The Parthenon is a temple devoted to Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and guardian of the city- state of Athens that got its name from her. The temple marked the zenith of ancient
The Parthenon, with no doubt, is one of the best well-known Greek temples of all times. It is also the dominant temple on the Akropolis. Its construction began in 447 BC and ended in 438
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There are seven most remarkable structures of ancient times and I’m going to write about four out of the seven. The statue of Zeus, which was created in 432 B.C., by Phidius, the lighthouse Of Alexandria that was created by Sostratus in 290 B.C. and took 20 years to complete. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus that was first created in 800 B.C. by Croesus and the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus that was built around 353 and 350 B.C. These are only four out of the seven wonders I will be writing about who commissioned and created each one of them. How they were built, where they were located, when was it constructed, why they were considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and what happened to them.