
Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation

Decent Essays

The book Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser it proves how every individual within our society inherently subscribes to one of the most wrong industry in world and accepts it without pressure. Although, it is disheartening, “life sucks then you die” as my father constantly tells me. You are an individual within your society and you must understand that to succeed in whats around you. To be an individual is the hardest thing in the world, understanding what happens in our society and accepting it, and how the realest people in the world we will never know about . This is learned and molded by the people of our country and the world daily and eventually it will affect every person in this nation, because aftermath of not accepting the truth can haunt a nation forever. …show more content…

The air is cold the hallway smells like fresh rain due to a leak in the ceiling. You take a right to continue down the hallway until you see a slightly off yellow with a seven year old boy hanging off of his bedpost while he says “mommy, daddy where are you moving my dresser”. Dresser is said incorrectly for this boy has a speech impediment and it ends us sounding more like dezzer. The boys parents respond “away”. The boy responded “no no no no no leave it here”. Although he had been told for months that the family was moving he was still not able to accept it. That young boy was me. I didn't accept my fate that i was really moving to another place, at the time. Just like millions of american citizens refuses to accept the idea of the atrocities that go on within our food system. People would rather act young and childish then accept the fact that horrible things happen within the world not just our food

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