
Eric Trump Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

With less than a month left in the presidential race, Eric Trump went one-on-one with ABC’s “This Week” host, George Stephanopoulos, to defend the questionable campaign of his father. According to the ABC News/”Washington Post” tracking poll, Hillary Clinton is seen to have a 50-38 lead over Donald Trump following the final debate. What could be the cause of Trump’s lagging campaign? Throughout the race, Trump has had to counteract aspersions of being bigoted and xenophobic. After the leaked video of Trump’s misogynistic remarks on women surfaced in recent weeks, the GOP nominee has lost support among women and fellow Republicans
This also includes allegations from 11 women claiming to be his victims of sexual assault. According to the same …show more content…

He believes the sexual assault allegations are another dirty tactic by the DNC. “They told me this months and months ago” the younger Trump said. “What the Clinton machine will throw at you… the things that will come out, the things that they'll orchestrate.” Eric Trump’s words refer to the video of DNC workers admitting to inciting violence at Trump rallies. Although the older Trump has had past court filings with several women claiming to be victims of his, the DNC has continued to use tactics that further disparage his character.
Eric Trump also believes the polls are inaccurate considering the margin of error seen in the Florida primary win. When asked if he thinks he might be “living in a bubble of his own support,” the younger Trump denied it. He describes the campaign process so far as “incredible.” As far as his father not accepting the election results if he loses, Eric Trump stated that his father just wants a fair process.
“He's a fighter. That's who my father is” the younger Trump stated. Donald Trump has been seen ripping notes at the end of the debates and saying the campaign is a “waste of time” if he loses. However, his son still feels there is a huge upside for victory. Whether fighting to clear his name of allegations and leaked videos, or trailing in the polls, Donald Trump has much to resolve before November

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