
Erikson Developmental Theory

Satisfactory Essays

What is human development also known as developmental psychology? According to the American psychological association, “developmental psychology focuses on the human growth and changes across the lifespan, including physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality and emotional growth” ( This paper will talk about the what theorist of psychology I found to be interesting by summarizing his work and how it is relatable to current development. Developmental psychology is very important when it comes to understanding how humans learn, mature adapt in live. Throughout our lives, we as humans go through various stages of development, and I believe that these different stages of human development are well explained and understood in the Erikson psychosocial development theory. I find
Erikson theory of psychosocial development to be very interesting because it is does a very good job of explaining the different developmental stages. Erikson talks about eight different developmental stages that humans go through. Erikson first stage is the trust vs. mistrust stage: this stage occurs between birth and one year of age. The central question of the infant is “can I trust you”, this is the most necessary stage in the human development. This stage is all about an infant needs being met and them trusting their caregivers and environment. It is very important that this developmental stage is successful because it sets the foundation for each addition

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