
Erp Vendor

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2 0 11 GU ID E TO E R P S YSTEMS A N D V E N D OR S An Independent Research Report Copyright 2011 Panorama Consulting Group LLC. All rights reserved. No unauthorized reproduction without the author’s written consent. All references to this publication must cite Panorama Consulting Group as the author and include a link to the original report at ! 4949 S. Syracuse, Suite 500 - Denver, CO 80237 Telephone +1.303.974.7171 Introduction and Summary The 2011 Guide to ERP Systems and Vendors provides insight into ERP project statistics, segmented by major vendors or vendor tiers. The report is based on surveys of over 1,600 …show more content…

SAP continues to attain the biggest share of the total market, regardless of customer size. Microsoft has a relatively small share of market, compared to other Tier I vendors. Oracle continues to be SAP’s strongest rival and competes head-to-head with SAP in the $500 million to $1 billion market. Tier II and Tier III vendors continue to expand their reach into all market segments and comprise a substantial portion of the activity reported from our respondents. Copyright © 2011 Panorama Consulting Group 2011 ERP Vendor Analysis 3 *$&)+,-"$ )!"!#$ (!"!#$ '!"!#$ 0$%/,-"$ &)+,-"$.$)!+,-"$ &!"!#$ %!"!#$ 123$ 4567-8$ !"!#$ 9,75:;:>$ =,85$>>>$6?@$4AB85$ )!!+,-"$.$%/,-"$ )!+,-"$.$%!!+,-"$ %!!+,-"$.$)!!+,-"$ Copyright © 2011 Panorama Consulting Group 2011 ERP Vendor Analysis 4 Vendor Sales by Industry The

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