
Essay About Fireproof

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The Review Never leave your partner behind; this is a powerful statement in the emergency responses field. This statement is also true when come to other parts of life. In the movie Fireproof, Caleb is the captain of the local fire department, who leads his crew who are constantly saving lives of strangers. He is known for his leadership skills and has respect from his crew, but when he goes home to wife Catherine it is a different story. Over the years, Caleb and Catherine have drifted apart and dealing with underlying problems in their marriage. Caleb demands a lot from his wife like having food ready for him and going to the dry cleaners and believes that he needed more respect from her. Catherine decided that she wanted out because they …show more content…

Caleb starts off reading the challenge and gives it a try but does not give it all that he has. During the challenge, he wants to change his life and save his marriage. He realizes that at first he was just going through the motions and by the twenty days of the challenge he went all in and gave his life to God. He continued to seek guidance from his father as well read his father challenge during work as well at home. Catherine started to see changes in Caleb but did not understand what was going and ignored Caleb. Caleb learns that to earn respect you have to give respect. He gave up his addiction to the computer as well gave his mother in law the supplies she needed that cost about 24,000 dollars to show Catherine that she matters. He did this on his own and did not tell Catherine at the time. After completing the challenge he kept on going and one day Catherine was home sick; Caleb looks out for her to show that he really cares. Catherine sees a difference in him and asks what has made him change. He explained to her how he changed and was going to fight for her. She told him she needed time to process it. Catherine realized that he had changed and at the end they renew their vow to each

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