The Review Never leave your partner behind; this is a powerful statement in the emergency responses field. This statement is also true when come to other parts of life. In the movie Fireproof, Caleb is the captain of the local fire department, who leads his crew who are constantly saving lives of strangers. He is known for his leadership skills and has respect from his crew, but when he goes home to wife Catherine it is a different story. Over the years, Caleb and Catherine have drifted apart and dealing with underlying problems in their marriage. Caleb demands a lot from his wife like having food ready for him and going to the dry cleaners and believes that he needed more respect from her. Catherine decided that she wanted out because they …show more content…
Caleb starts off reading the challenge and gives it a try but does not give it all that he has. During the challenge, he wants to change his life and save his marriage. He realizes that at first he was just going through the motions and by the twenty days of the challenge he went all in and gave his life to God. He continued to seek guidance from his father as well read his father challenge during work as well at home. Catherine started to see changes in Caleb but did not understand what was going and ignored Caleb. Caleb learns that to earn respect you have to give respect. He gave up his addiction to the computer as well gave his mother in law the supplies she needed that cost about 24,000 dollars to show Catherine that she matters. He did this on his own and did not tell Catherine at the time. After completing the challenge he kept on going and one day Catherine was home sick; Caleb looks out for her to show that he really cares. Catherine sees a difference in him and asks what has made him change. He explained to her how he changed and was going to fight for her. She told him she needed time to process it. Catherine realized that he had changed and at the end they renew their vow to each
had to wear some old shoes that he had at home. Gold did not like this
In West Warwick Rhode Island, on February 20th, 2003, during the performance of the band Great White, a fire broke out that eventually claimed the lives of 100 people and injured an additional 200. The band’s tour manager arranged for, and ignited pyrotechnic props, large fireworks designed to display a shower of sparks. The sparks ignited foam soundproofing near stage. The fire spread quickly. Most were killed either in the crush to exit the building or overcome by fumes while trying to find an exit. The immediate cause was well documented due to witness reports and a videotape that was taken during the concert. In the period that followed the tragedy there were many attempts to fix blame. Following a Grand Jury
In the book Forgotten Fire by Adam Bagdasarian, Vahan and his untroubled and carefree life is flipped upside down when some Gendarmes kill both of his older brother right in front of him. All of Vahan’s race are being killed and Vahan has to go off and leave his mother with his brother Sisak and start their own new life on the run. Vahan quickly realizes life if much different without everything being given to you. Vahan’s father, Sarkis, and his brother Sisak taught Vahan to push through the hard times, always have hope, and to stay strong. With the advice given to Vahan by his father and brother, Vahan was able to gain strength and courage to push through the hard times, even when everything seemed hopeless and unbearable.
On July 10, 2001 four U.S Forest Service Firefighters died while battling the thirty mile fire. Six others injured including two hikers. The thirty mile fire was the second deadliest fire in Washington state history.
Gates of Fire By: Steven Pressfield Subject Person- Spartan Warriors Place- Greece 480 B.C. Event- Battle of Thermoplae. Concept- Xeones recounts his life leading up to the battle. Object- Greek city-states consisting of 300 Spartan Warriors, 400 Thebans, 700 Thespian Volunteers And around 900 Helots Fought The Persian Empire at the pass of Thermopylae. Reason For Choosing Book Prior to reading this novel I had some knowledge of the Battle of Thermopylae. I watched the movie 300last year and it is based on the battle of Thermopylae and the lifestyle of the Spartan Warriors. Summary Gates of Fire tells the story of a young Greek boy, Xeones, who is the sole Hellenic survivor of the epic battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC. After
Gates of Fire is a story about the Spartan way of life and their fight to protect their country. The story is told by a dying Spartan squire named Xeones, who was captured by the Persian army after the battle at Thermopylae. He is telling the story to the Persian king. The story took place around 480 B.C. Xeones began the story in a small town where he grew up called Astakos. He tells of how his town was destroyed and how he was taken in by the Spartans. Eventually he became a servant for a Spartan youth name Alexandros, who was the protégé of Dienekes. Xeones finally became a squire for the Spartan officer Dienekes.
Steven Pressfield's The Gates of Fire is set in the fifth century B.C. in Greece. The story revolves around the famous battle of Thermopylae where three hundred Spartans held off hundreds of thousands of Persians, saving Greece. Pressfield creates a fictional story around the battle where one man, a squire named Xeones, survives to tell the Spartan story of the battle and the events preceding it. Xeones, who is the protagonist, tells his life story to the royal Persian historian while in captivity. This life history of Xeones constitutes the body of the book.
In the story "To Build a Fire" by Jack London, there are three principal themes. They are respecting nature, and considering results of actions. The main theme, or universal truth, is heeding warnings. The themes are shown through the character and his actions. The main character in the story had an attitude that prevented him from heeding internal and external warnings. He did not respect nature's power, and therefore he paid with his life.His attitude was arrogant and careless.
“To Build a Fire” is a short story written by Jack London. It is viewed as a masterpiece of naturalist fiction. “To Build a Fire” features a miner who is traveling to the Yukon Territory with a dog as his companion. The miner is the protagonist and the dog companion is called the foil. The dog plays off of the traits of the protagonist. “The central motif of “To Build a Fire” concerns the struggle of man versus nature.” (Short Story Criticism) The most argued point in the short story is the reason of the protagonist death. “Some critics believe that it was his lack of intuition and imagination that lead to his death, while others say that he dies because of panic.” (Short Story Criticism) The protagonist in “To Build a Fire” struggles in
We are the most technically advanced nation in the free world but yet we have not been able to reduce the number of firefighter fatalities over the years. Its one of the great mysteries of the world today. Our gear is better than what they wore thirty years ago, its better than what they wore ten years ago and we still lose an average of one hundred firefighters every year. I know that not all are dying in structure fires but just one is one too many.
Why are children so loyal to their parents, even if their parents do not meet the moral standards of the child? Throughout the text of “Barn Burning”, Sarty seems to have repetitive feelings of grief and despair, yet he hesitates to out his father for his crimes. He hates his father’s crimes and his father’s way of life. Yet, Sarty is hesitant to out his father for his crimes. Mainly because he hopes his father will change, he fears his father will harm him physically or emotionally, and he places a priority on his family’s wellbeing before his own.
One should never leave a partner whether it be a firefighter entering a burning building or a man living in a marriage to a woman he chose to be his life time partner. That is the message of this Christian book called Fireproof: Never Leave Your Partner, by Eric Wilson. "Sparks were nice. No doubt about that," Wilson writes (p. 282), using the metaphor of firefighting to make a point about the renewed vows between Catherine, the wife, and Caleb, the firefighting husband. "But these flames between them now burned longer, hotter, richer" (Wilson, 282). This is a book about a firefighter whose marriage is not going well and who considers abandoning his relationship but who realizes as the book progresses that he actually should work to keep the marriage alive. It is a book with a message and a moral: don't give up on the person you love, be loyal to those around you and those who depend on you, and don't let your partner (whether a firefighting colleague or a partner in marriage) go it alone when you should be joined together.
Sometimes everyone feels like giving up, and the only thing a person can rely on is his will to survive. Giving up is admitting defeat, in every circumstance. In the story by Jack London, To Build a Fire, the main character learns a hard lesson of reality, when he meets his fate. The result came about because of many factors, mainly the man’s lack of psychological perserverance on the journey, as well as the harsh temperature and surroundings. If there was any hope for the man to survive these conditions, it would rely wholey on his persistance and motivation. The man expected his fate after it was too late to change it, weighing all the variables and realizing there was no probable way to escape his prediciment. The man’s fate was
Arson is “any willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle or aircraft, [or] personal property of another” (Bartol & Bartol, 2011. P 463). Arson comes in many forms – juveniles vandalizing property, businesses trying to collect insurance money, and murderers covering up their crimes are just a few of the examples arson investigators deal with. The reasons why arson is committed and the psychology behind arson are as diverse as the crime itself. There is no one perfect psychological profile of an arsonist. Young, old, educated, illiterate, sane, insane, rich and poor all can become arsonists. With such a wide range of suspect characteristics,
Fire prevention is a term being heard more and more today in America. It is starting to become a standard in today’s fire departments. Fire has the ability to keep us warm and also has the ability to make us homeless. As we grow as community and the technology changes, Fire Prevention needs to be made more of a necessity in our homes today. More homes are being built out of lighter material along with being built closer and closer together. Each can lead to extreme destruction, homes being lost, people being displaced, and even death. Why should we not protect homes and defend them against an enemy that can attack at any minute? Fire prevention needs to start in the home and then be carried onward in our lives. There are very