
Essay About Moving To America

Decent Essays

As I stepped into the airport to depart to the U.S., I was overcome with emotions, I was happy, hopeful, but I was also anxious; I was leaving the place that I knew and loved. Everyone has experienced that one event that makes them think twice about their decisions and their life’s purpose. The significant experience that changed my life was when I moved from the Philippines to the United States. My life changed from living a regular, traditional life to a completely new and different lifestyle.
America was really a whole new universe; the different cultures, lifestyle, and the diversity made me wonder whether my family and I were doing the right thing. Furthermore, it made me question my decision of moving, the Philippines was my home and I felt like an interloper in this new world, America.
Moving, however, allowed me to see a new dimension of life. Moving also gave me a new sense of hope that I would be successful in this new place if I accepted the change and persisted to do my best. At first I was hesitant but soon after my demeanor changed I knew that in order to survive, I had to face the change or else I would fail. My family and I came to America to live a better, more opportunistic life. Life was, and is, …show more content…

Throughout my high school life, I became more aware that in order to go far in this world, I have to persevere and pursue a higher education. For me, college became the only hope and path to success. I also believe that to be an accomplished person in the field of medicine or education, I have to devote my time to my studies. Again, America gives me and anyone who is willing to work for it, the opportunity to become a successful person. Although the path to become a doctor or a teacher is hard and challenging, hard work and dedication will be characteristics that I need in order to overcome those

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