

Decent Essays

INT. KITCHEN - EVENING DIANA walks in to begin preparing dinner. Her husband, JOHN enters unshaven but hygienic and walks to the fridge and opens it. DIANA Hi honey. John takes a bottle of beer from the fridge. Diana watches him and tries to speak again. DIANA (CONT'D) How was your day? Once again, John says nothing as he walks over to the table and sits down, taking up the newspaper as he does so. Diana's shoulders slump in disappointment. JOHN Today was good. Diana looks over her shoulder and sees John yawn. DIANA You look tired. How did you sleep last night? John grunts as he flicks to the next page in his newspaper. Diana turns back to her task, sighing. She finishes preparing dinner and goes about cleaning dishes that are sitting in …show more content…

Diana struggles to breath as John drags her roughly towards the sink. She raises a rough grunt as John slams her against the sink, still holding her by the throat. JOHN (threateningly) Say that again! I dare you! I DOUBLE dare you! Diana is fearful for a moment before she takes advantage of John's loosened grip. DIANA You don't appreciate me! I pay the bills. I do all the shopping. When I want to buy something I can't because I'm always having to bail you out of some kind of situation. John's hand tightens again around his wife's throat. JOHN For fuck's sake! Just follow a simple instruction. His grip tightens even more around Diana's throat. DIANA (struggles) I did follow instructions. You mentioned nothing about wanting chicken. We can have chicken when I get my next pay check. JOHN Do you think I care about that? I just want my god damn chicken! Diana tries to fight back but is thrown to the floor. Diana gasps for air as she touches her throat. DIANA Honey, I'm sorry. I-I promise that I will buy chicken and we will have it tomorrow. Please. Don't hurt me anymore. John is still fuming. He reaches for a kitchen drawer and pulls out a kitchen knife. JOHN Now, you little bitch, swallow it. John goes to unzip his pants but thinks better of it. Leaving his pants unzipped, he stabs Diana. Blood oozes from the wounds that are inflicted upon Diana's body. The knife enters Diana's chest and exits. Once. Twice. Three times. Four. The knife enters

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