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-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering tentacleTherapist [TT]-- TG: rose are you there TG: i mean youre probably not. its super fucking early in the morning TG: and youre probably catching some sweet z's TG: which is perfectly reasonable because its early in the morning TG: anyway back on topic. well technically i haven't even started but whatever TG: i guess i wanted to share what happened to me with someone TG: like, john probably wouldn't believe me and would be like : im not that gullible dave TG: imagine that written in blue text im sure it would seem more john like TG: i would have talked to jade about it but i kinda realized ah shit TG: rose is all about that super natural shit and she'd probably be more likely get it better TG: …show more content…

TG: rose i am hurt that you would downplay how ironic i am like im as ironic as hell TT: I'm sure you are ironic as hell. I'll make sure to check with hell the next time I speak to them. TT: Back to what I was saying, if your lucky, going to the cave is part of the mermaid's daily routine. Therefore, by returning to the cave, you'd ensure another interaction between the two of you. TT: Needless to say, they'd be suspicious of you to showing up with out any reason. Lying won't get you anywhere especially if you want to befriend them. TT: Though perhaps this mermaid will be oblivious to what you would eloquently call 'bullshit.' TG: what if a dude just wants to chill out at some random cave he found like doesn't that sound seem all to bullshit-y TT: You and I both know that sounds unrealistic. Unless you had some sort of purpose there. TT: I know I do. We could figure it out in the morning. After all, I'm not sure if a sleep-deprived Dave would be the most logical person to plan things out. TG: fair enough TG: night rose -- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering tentacleTherapist [TT]-- --> Be Karkat Vantas You realize you can't be Karkat Vantas. It simply isn't possible! You decide that since you can't be Karkat observing him is the next best option. Observing Karkat is better than doing nothing while Dave sleeps. You'll get back to Dave later,probably. Karkat's lip trembled which caused Karkat to bite down on

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